No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator
This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 0.1.0
- Package version: 3.1.14
- Generator version: 7.9.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
Python 3.7+
If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:
pip install git+
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+
Then import the package:
import platform_api_python_client
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import platform_api_python_client
Execute pytest
to run the tests.
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import platform_api_python_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = platform_api_python_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.
# Configure Bearer authorization: HTTPBearer
configuration = platform_api_python_client.Configuration(
access_token = os.environ["BEARER_TOKEN"]
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with platform_api_python_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = platform_api_python_client.EXTERNALApi(api_client)
user_support_email_request = platform_api_python_client.UserSupportEmailRequest() # UserSupportEmailRequest |
# Add User Request
api_response = api_instance.add_user_request_support_user_requests_post(user_support_email_request)
print("The response of EXTERNALApi->add_user_request_support_user_requests_post:\n")
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling EXTERNALApi->add_user_request_support_user_requests_post: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to http://localhost
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
EXTERNALApi | add_user_request_support_user_requests_post | POST /support/user-requests | Add User Request |
EXTERNALApi | create_api_key_credentials_api_key_post | POST /credentials/api-key | Create Api Key |
EXTERNALApi | create_checkout_payments_checkout_post | POST /payments/checkout | Create Checkout |
EXTERNALApi | create_compute_deployment_deployments_compute_post | POST /deployments/compute | Create Compute Deployment |
EXTERNALApi | create_cserve_deployment_deployments_cserve_post | POST /deployments/cserve | Create Cserve Deployment |
EXTERNALApi | create_cserve_v2_deployment_deployments_cserve_v2_post | POST /deployments/cserve_v2 | Create Cserve V2 Deployment |
EXTERNALApi | create_inference_deployment_deployments_inference_post | POST /deployments/inference | Create Inference Deployment |
EXTERNALApi | create_rag_deployment_deployments_rag_post | POST /deployments/rag | Create Rag Deployment |
EXTERNALApi | create_setup_payments_setup_checkout_post | POST /payments/setup_checkout | Create Setup |
EXTERNALApi | delete_api_key_credentials_api_key_id_delete | DELETE /credentials/api-key/{id} | Delete Api Key |
EXTERNALApi | delete_user_vault_item_endpoint_user_vault_delete | DELETE /user_vault | Delete User Vault Item Endpoint |
EXTERNALApi | get_all_user_vault_items_endpoint_user_vault_get | GET /user_vault | Get All User Vault Items Endpoint |
EXTERNALApi | get_api_keys_credentials_api_key_get | GET /credentials/api-key | Get Api Keys |
EXTERNALApi | get_clusters_clusters_get | GET /clusters | Get Clusters |
EXTERNALApi | get_compute_deployment_deployments_compute_deployment_id_get | GET /deployments/compute/{deployment_id} | Get Compute Deployment |
EXTERNALApi | get_credits_credits_get | GET /credits | Get Credits |
EXTERNALApi | get_cserve_deployment_deployments_cserve_deployment_id_get | GET /deployments/cserve/{deployment_id} | Get Cserve Deployment |
EXTERNALApi | get_cserve_recipe_deployments_cserve_recipes_get | GET /deployments/cserve/recipes | Get Cserve Recipe |
EXTERNALApi | get_cserve_v2_deployment_deployments_cserve_v2_deployment_id_get | GET /deployments/cserve_v2/{deployment_id} | Get Cserve V2 Deployment |
EXTERNALApi | get_deployment_logs_deployments_logs_deployment_id_get | GET /deployments/logs/{deployment_id} | Get Deployment Logs |
EXTERNALApi | get_deployment_status_deployments_status_deployment_id_get | GET /deployments/status/{deployment_id} | Get Deployment Status |
EXTERNALApi | get_deployments_deployments_get | GET /deployments | Get Deployments |
EXTERNALApi | get_hardware_instances_hardware_instances_get | GET /hardware-instances | Get Hardware Instances |
EXTERNALApi | get_inference_deployment_deployments_inference_deployment_id_get | GET /deployments/inference/{deployment_id} | Get Inference Deployment |
EXTERNALApi | get_payments_payments_get | GET /payments | Get Payments |
EXTERNALApi | get_prebuilt_images_prebuilt_images_get | GET /prebuilt-images | Get Prebuilt Images |
EXTERNALApi | get_rag_deployment_deployments_rag_deployment_id_get | GET /deployments/rag/{deployment_id} | Get Rag Deployment |
EXTERNALApi | get_usage_daily_bills_get | GET /daily_bills | Get Usage |
EXTERNALApi | get_usage_deployments_usage_deployment_id_get | GET /deployments/usage/{deployment_id} | Get Usage |
EXTERNALApi | setup_stripe_customer_payments_setup_post | POST /payments/setup | Setup Stripe Customer |
EXTERNALApi | update_deployment_status_deployments_status_deployment_id_put | PUT /deployments/status/{deployment_id} | Update Deployment Status |
EXTERNALApi | update_user_vault_item_endpoint_user_vault_put | PUT /user_vault | Update User Vault Item Endpoint |
- APIKeyRequest
- APIKeyResponse
- CServeRecipe
- CServeRecipePerf
- CServeRecipeResponse
- CServeV2RecipeInput
- CServeV2RecipeOutput
- CreateCServeDeploymentRequest
- CreateCServeDeploymentResponse
- CreateCServeV2DeploymentRequest
- CreateCServeV2DeploymentResponse
- CreateCheckoutRequest
- CreateCheckoutSessionResponse
- CreateComputeDeploymentRequest
- CreateComputeDeploymentResponse
- CreateInferenceDeploymentRequest
- CreateInferenceDeploymentResponse
- CreateRagDeploymentRequest
- CreateRagDeploymentResponse
- CreateSetupCheckoutRequest
- CreditsResponse
- DailyBillResponse
- DeploymentStatus
- DeploymentStatusRequest
- DeploymentStatusResponse
- DeploymentType
- DeploymentUsageValue
- GetCServeDeploymentResponse
- GetCServeV2DeploymentResponse
- GetClusterResponse
- GetComputeDeploymentResponse
- GetDeploymentLogResponse
- GetDeploymentResponse
- GetDeploymentUsageResponse
- GetInferenceDeploymentResponse
- GetPaymentsResponse
- GetRagDeploymentResponse
- HTTPValidationError
- HardwareInstanceResponse
- ListAPIKeyResponse
- ListCServeRecipeResponse
- ListDailyBillResponse
- ListGetClusterResponse
- ListGetDeploymentResponse
- ListHardwareInstanceResponse
- ListPrebuiltImageResponse
- ListUserVaultItemsResponse
- Metric
- PrebuiltImageResponse
- ServiceStatus
- UserSupportEmailRequest
- UserVaultItemInput
- UserVaultItemOutput
- UserVaultType
- ValidationError
- ValidationErrorLocInner
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: Bearer authentication