A python program which used data analysis techniques to observe trends between various risk factors for heart diseases. Then, machine leaning models were created to predict whether a person has heart disease based on those features.
- Requires
Python 3.7
or above. - Requires these modules:
- NumPy
- pandas
- matplotlib
- tkinter
- scikit-learn
- joblib
- Download the whole repository
- extract the code
- open
and press enter to run the program
The Cleveland dataset (processed.cleveland.data) that can be downloaded from the UCI Machine Learning Repository via the following website: https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Heart+Disease
- Attribute Information
- (age) : Integer: [29-77]
- #4 (sex)
- #9 (cp)
- #10 (trestbps) : Integer: [94-200]
- #12 (chol) : Integer: [126-564]
- #16 (fbs)
- #19 (restecg)
- #32 (thalach) : Integer: [71-202]
- #38 (exang)
- #40 (oldpeak) : Float: [0.0-62.0]
- #41 (slope)
- #44 (ca)
- #51 (thal)
- num: diagnosis of heart disease (angiographic disease status) : The target labels spanned from 0 to 4, with 0 indicating least chances of having a heart disease whereas label 4, indicating highest chances of having a heart disease
Pull requests are welcome for adding more ML models or fixing exisiting issues.