Java project for the famous game Tetris using JSwing (for intuitive user interface)
Tetris Game which is based on objects called Tetrominoes was developed using Java(Core) and JSwing. Concept of Enumeration was employed for defining numerous shapes of Tetrominoes. Game starts with User creation, Different keys for different directions, High Score is calculated based on the number of lines that are filled by the shape.
Used enumeration since enum is used since we knew that only 8 types of shape existed (fixed) which dont have any numeric/textual value
constructor creates Default tetromino of NoShape
setShape function input type of Shape sets the shape depending on the input using the coordstable
global variable pieceShape - name of Tetrominoe Shape which has been created getShape function returns name of Shape
setRandomShape function makes use of Random class to generate random value Any 1 shape will be selected (apart from NoShape)
minX function returns the minimum X co-ordinate of the Tetromino shape minY function returns the minimum Y co-ordinate of the Tetromino shape