Assists travelers in planning trips with destination search, itinerary planning, and weather forecasts. Utilized Firebase services for seamless data storage and synchronization.
The software system was built using Dart programming language and the Flutter Framework. Other tools used included, Git for version control, Visual Studio Code IDEA for code editingHere are a few examples.
•Trip Planning and Itinerary Creation: Users can plan their trips by selecting destinations,
specifying travel dates, and creating detailed itineraries. They can add activities,
attractions, and accommodations to their trip plans.
• place Management: Users can search for places of interest, view detailed information
about them, and add them to their trips or favorites. This feature enables users to
discover and organize places they want to visit.
• Favorites: The app allows users to curate a list of their favorite places, making it easy to
keep track of destinations they love or intend to visit in the future. This feature enhances
user engagement and personalization.
• Destination Calculation: The app leverages Microsoft Azure Maps to provide users with
accurate and efficient destination calculations. This feature assists travelers in finding the
best routes, estimated travel times, and distance between locations within their trip
• Real-time Weather Forecast: "Sri Travel" provides users with real-time weather forecasts
for each destination in their trip itinerary. Travelers can stay informed about current and
upcoming weather conditions, helping them make informed decisions during their
• Search and Filters: The app provides robust search functionality, allowing users to find
specific places, activities, or accommodations.
• Google Account Sign-In: Users have the option to sign in to the app using their Google
accounts, enhancing convenience and security. This sign-in method simplifies the
registration and login process for users who already have Google accounts.
• Attraction Suggestions: "Sri Travel" utilizes data and algorithms to suggest attractions,
activities, and points of interest within each city or destination. These recommendations
help users discover hidden gems and popular attractions, enriching their travel