- Following the label for the dataset, we add CL and ML constraints on the pure dataset by label (which constructs the disjoint CL & ML constraints) to be input dataset for the main algorithm.
- The input of the program can be pure constraint sets for CL & ML.
- Java version: 17.0.1
- Cplex: IBM CPLEX2211 https://www.ibm.com/products/ilog-cplex-optimization-studio
- Run OuPut.java for the experimental evaluation
- To simplify the code, we hard-code the following parameters:
- set the file path at the _inputFilename_ (and the pure dataset needs to separate attribute values with commas);
- input the parameter k: number of clusters, d: dimension, markPosition: label position
- set the file path at the _outputFilename_;
- Use the Cost, NMI, RI and runtime to calculate the agreement degree between an algorithm's clustering result and its labels.