Universal js which implement red black tree
yarn add universal-red-black-tree
npm i universal-red-black-tree
Could be found in the type defines, with apis: insert / insertKey / search / deleteNode / minimum / maximum
Use typescript
No external dependency
System config:
process: 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7
Memory: 32 GB 2400 MHz DDR4
config node with max memory --max-old-space-size=8192
Below are testing result by use benchmark test file
🚀👇🏻 Start build tree with 100000000 nodes ...
✅🎊 Finished build tree in [30077] milliseconds.
Memory Usage: {"rss":6575562752,"heapTotal":6548602880,"heapUsed":6403859088,"external":8272}
✨ Done in 30.77s.