orderbook-py is a AsyncIO Python Matching Engine
- Install Python3.9 or higher
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip install pipenv
- Install Redis-server and Kafka
sudo apt-get install redis-server
- update config.py with the correct parameters.
git clone https://github.com/CheetahExchange/orderbook-py
cd orderbook-py
pipenv lock
pipenv install
pipenv run python main.py
- the running log looks like this
2023-10-08 17:54:32,809 - aiokafka.consumer.subscription_state - INFO - Updating subscribed topics to: frozenset({'matching_order_BTC-USD'})
2023-10-08 17:54:32,831 - aiokafka.consumer.group_coordinator - INFO - Discovered coordinator 0 for group order-reader-BTC-USD-group
2023-10-08 17:54:32,831 - aiokafka.consumer.group_coordinator - INFO - Revoking previously assigned partitions set() for group order-reader-BTC-USD-group
2023-10-08 17:54:32,831 - aiokafka.consumer.group_coordinator - INFO - (Re-)joining group order-reader-BTC-USD-group
2023-10-08 17:54:42,234 - aiokafka.consumer.group_coordinator - INFO - Joined group 'order-reader-BTC-USD-group' (generation 30) with member_id aiokafka-0.8.1-5679bd07-ed5e-4d22-8260-38c19dcf4d7c
2023-10-08 17:54:42,234 - aiokafka.consumer.group_coordinator - INFO - Elected group leader -- performing partition assignments using roundrobin
2023-10-08 17:54:42,237 - aiokafka.consumer.group_coordinator - INFO - Successfully synced group order-reader-BTC-USD-group with generation 30
2023-10-08 17:54:42,237 - aiokafka.consumer.group_coordinator - INFO - Setting newly assigned partitions {TopicPartition(topic='matching_order_BTC-USD', partition=0)} for group order-reader-BTC-USD-group
2023-10-08 17:54:42,742 - root - INFO - fetch_order: {"id": 1, "created_at": 1695783003020967000, "product_id": "BTC-USD", "user_id": 1, "client_oid": "", "price": "10.00", "size": "1.00", "funds": "0.00", "type": "limit", "side": "sell", "time_in_force": "GTC", "status": "new"}
2023-10-08 17:54:42,742 - root - INFO - fetch_order: {"id": 2, "created_at": 1695783003020967000, "product_id": "BTC-USD", "user_id": 1, "client_oid": "", "price": "10.00", "size": "1.00", "funds": "0.00", "type": "limit", "side": "sell", "time_in_force": "GTC", "status": "new"}
2023-10-08 17:54:42,742 - root - INFO - fetch_order: {"id": 3, "created_at": 1695783003020967000, "product_id": "BTC-USD", "user_id": 1, "client_oid": "", "price": "10.00", "size": "1.00", "funds": "0.00", "type": "limit", "side": "sell", "time_in_force": "GTC", "status": "new"}
2023-10-08 17:54:42,742 - root - INFO - fetch_order: {"id": 4, "created_at": 1695783003020967000, "product_id": "BTC-USD", "user_id": 1, "client_oid": "", "price": "10.00", "size": "5.00", "funds": "0.00", "type": "limit", "side": "buy", "time_in_force": "GTC", "status": "new"}
2023-10-08 17:54:42,742 - root - INFO - fetch_order: {"id": 5, "created_at": 1695783003020967000, "product_id": "BTC-USD", "user_id": 1, "client_oid": "", "price": "10.00", "size": "2.00", "funds": "0.00", "type": "limit", "side": "sell", "time_in_force": "GTC", "status": "new"}
2023-10-08 17:54:42,743 - root - INFO - OpenLog: {"type": "open", "sequence": 1, "product_id": "BTC-USD", "time": 1696758882743372300, "order_id": 1, "user_id": 1, "remaining_size": "1.00", "price": "10.00", "side": "sell", "time_in_force": "GTC"}
2023-10-08 17:54:42,743 - root - INFO - OpenLog: {"type": "open", "sequence": 2, "product_id": "BTC-USD", "time": 1696758882743372300, "order_id": 2, "user_id": 1, "remaining_size": "1.00", "price": "10.00", "side": "sell", "time_in_force": "GTC"}
2023-10-08 17:54:42,743 - root - INFO - OpenLog: {"type": "open", "sequence": 3, "product_id": "BTC-USD", "time": 1696758882743372300, "order_id": 3, "user_id": 1, "remaining_size": "1.00", "price": "10.00", "side": "sell", "time_in_force": "GTC"}
2023-10-08 17:54:42,744 - root - INFO - MatchLog: {"type": "match", "sequence": 4, "product_id": "BTC-USD", "time": 1696758882743372300, "trade_seq": 1, "taker_order_id": 4, "maker_order_id": 1, "taker_user_id": 1, "maker_user_id": 1, "side": "sell", "price": "10.00", "size": "1.00", "taker_time_in_force": "GTC", "maker_time_in_force": "GTC"}
2023-10-08 17:54:42,744 - root - INFO - DoneLog: {"type": "done", "sequence": 5, "product_id": "BTC-USD", "time": 1696758882744372000, "order_id": 1, "user_id": 1, "remaining_size": "0.00", "price": "10.00", "reason": "filled", "side": "sell", "time_in_force": "GTC"}
2023-10-08 17:54:42,744 - root - INFO - MatchLog: {"type": "match", "sequence": 6, "product_id": "BTC-USD", "time": 1696758882744372000, "trade_seq": 2, "taker_order_id": 4, "maker_order_id": 2, "taker_user_id": 1, "maker_user_id": 1, "side": "sell", "price": "10.00", "size": "1.00", "taker_time_in_force": "GTC", "maker_time_in_force": "GTC"}
2023-10-08 17:54:42,744 - root - INFO - DoneLog: {"type": "done", "sequence": 7, "product_id": "BTC-USD", "time": 1696758882744372000, "order_id": 2, "user_id": 1, "remaining_size": "0.00", "price": "10.00", "reason": "filled", "side": "sell", "time_in_force": "GTC"}
2023-10-08 17:54:42,744 - root - INFO - MatchLog: {"type": "match", "sequence": 8, "product_id": "BTC-USD", "time": 1696758882744372000, "trade_seq": 3, "taker_order_id": 4, "maker_order_id": 3, "taker_user_id": 1, "maker_user_id": 1, "side": "sell", "price": "10.00", "size": "1.00", "taker_time_in_force": "GTC", "maker_time_in_force": "GTC"}
2023-10-08 17:54:42,744 - root - INFO - DoneLog: {"type": "done", "sequence": 9, "product_id": "BTC-USD", "time": 1696758882744372000, "order_id": 3, "user_id": 1, "remaining_size": "0.00", "price": "10.00", "reason": "filled", "side": "sell", "time_in_force": "GTC"}
2023-10-08 17:54:42,744 - root - INFO - OpenLog: {"type": "open", "sequence": 10, "product_id": "BTC-USD", "time": 1696758882744372000, "order_id": 4, "user_id": 1, "remaining_size": "2.00", "price": "10.00", "side": "buy", "time_in_force": "GTC"}
2023-10-08 17:54:42,745 - root - INFO - MatchLog: {"type": "match", "sequence": 11, "product_id": "BTC-USD", "time": 1696758882745374100, "trade_seq": 4, "taker_order_id": 5, "maker_order_id": 4, "taker_user_id": 1, "maker_user_id": 1, "side": "buy", "price": "10.00", "size": "2.00", "taker_time_in_force": "GTC", "maker_time_in_force": "GTC"}
2023-10-08 17:54:42,745 - root - INFO - DoneLog: {"type": "done", "sequence": 12, "product_id": "BTC-USD", "time": 1696758882745374100, "order_id": 4, "user_id": 1, "remaining_size": "0.00", "price": "10.00", "reason": "filled", "side": "buy", "time_in_force": "GTC"}
2023-10-08 17:54:42,745 - root - INFO - DoneLog: {"type": "done", "sequence": 13, "product_id": "BTC-USD", "time": 1696758882745374100, "order_id": 5, "user_id": 1, "remaining_size": "0.00", "price": "10.00", "reason": "filled", "side": "sell", "time_in_force": "GTC"}
- place order test
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
import logging
from kafka import KafkaProducer
from decimal import Decimal
import json
log_level = logging.DEBUG
log = logging.getLogger('kafka')
class Order:
def __init__(self, _id, created_at, product_id, user_id, client_oid, price, size, funds, _type, side, time_in_force,
self.id = _id
self.created_at = created_at
self.product_id = product_id
self.user_id = user_id
self.client_oid = client_oid
self.price = price
self.size = size
self.funds = funds
self.type = _type
self.side = side
self.time_in_force = time_in_force
self.status = status
producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers='')
order = Order(_id=43, created_at=1695783003020967000, product_id="BTC-USD", user_id=1, client_oid="",
price=Decimal("20.00"), size=Decimal("3000.00"), funds=Decimal("0.00"), _type="limit",
side="buy", time_in_force="GTC", status="new")
message = json.dumps(vars(order), default=str)
producer.send('matching_order_BTC-USD', message.encode("utf8"))