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This is a dynamic project centered around the creation of a dashboard app. This meticulously crafted app display and manage a collection of invoices, showcasing the capabilities and versatility of Next.js.

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Developed by Grace Chen Abudi 👩🏽‍💻

📣 Overview:

🔎 Intro:

This is a dynamic full-stack app centered around the creation of a dashboard. This meticulously crafted dashboard displays and manages a collection of invoices, showcasing the capabilities and versatility of Next.js. This is a practice project.

🧰 Tech Stack:

  • Next.js
  • TypeScript
  • JavaScript
  • TailwindCSS
  • Responsive Layout
  • Vercel
  • Relational Database - PostgreSQL
  • SQL + SQL Queries
  • ZOD

🛠️ Techniques and Tools:

  • clsx: A tiny utility for constructing className strings conditionally.
  • Next.js Hooks: usePathname, useSearchParams, useRouter.
  • Vercel Postgres is a serverless SQL database designed to integrate with Vercel Functions and your frontend framework.
  • seed scripts: Contains the instructions for creating and seeding the invoices, customers, user, and the revenue tables.
  • Server Components: Server Components facilitate asynchronous tasks with promises, enabling streamlined async/await syntax. They execute server-side, optimizing data fetches and logic, allowing direct database querying without an extra API layer.
  • Request Waterfalls: A "waterfall" denotes a series of network requests reliant on prior completions. While useful for conditional dependencies, it can inadvertently impede performance in unintentional instances, emphasizing the need for careful consideration in system design.
  • Parallel Data Fetching: A common way to avoid waterfalls is to initiate all data requests at the same time - in parallel. In JavaScript, you can use "Promise.all()" or "Promise.allSettled()" for performance gains. This native pattern is versatile but consider potential delays if one request lags behind others.
  • Dynamic Rendering: Dynamic rendering renders the content on the server for each user at the request time. Benefits include real-time data display, user-specific content, and access to request-time information. However, application speed is constrained by the slowest data fetch.
  • Streaming: Streaming is a data transfer technique that allows you to break down a route into smaller "chunks" and progressively stream them from the server to the client as they become ready.
  • Debouncing (Best Practice): Debouncing is a programming practice that limits the rate at which a function can fire. In this project, it's used for query the database when the user has stopped typing.
  • Pagination: Pagination allows users to navigate through the different pages to view all the invoices.
  • Server Actions
  • Next.js APIs: error handling, notFound function
  • Next.js Auth: Authentication and Authorization
  • Metadata

🏗️ Architecture Overview:

  class Client {
    + makeHTTPRequest()
    + interactWithUI()

  class Server {
    + handleHTTPRequest()
    + fetchUsingReactServerComponents()
    + fetchUsingSQL()
    + parallelizeDataFetching()
    + implementStreaming()
    + moveDataFetchingToComponents()

  class Database {
    + executeSQLQuery()

  class ReactServerComponents {
    + fetchData()

  class Components {
    + fetchData()

  class UI {
    + displayData()

  Client --> Server : HTTP Request
  Server --> Database : SQL Query
  Server --> ReactServerComponents : Data Fetching
  Server --> Components : Component Data Fetching
  ReactServerComponents --> Database : Data Fetching
  Database --> ReactServerComponents : Fetched Data
  ReactServerComponents --> Server : Fetched Data
  Components --> Server : Fetched Data
  Server --> Components : Data to Components
  Server --> UI : Streaming Data


🗝️ Key Components Include:

  • Client Class: Represents the client-side application responsible for making HTTP requests and interacting with the user interface.
  • Server Class: The server-side component, handling HTTP requests, fetching data using Server Components and SQL, parallelizing data fetching, implementing streaming, and moving data fetching logic to components.
  • Database Class: Manage database interactions, executing SQL queries to retrieve and store data.
  • ReactServerComponent Class: Fetches data on the server, optimizing expensive data fetches and logic.
  • Components Class: Handles data fetching on the server, contributing to partial prerendering.
  • UI Class: Responsible for displaying data to the user.

🔄 Interactions:

  1. Client to Server: Initiates HTTP requests triggering server-side operations.
  2. Server to Database: Execute SQL queries for targeted data retrieval.
  3. Server to ReactServerComponents: Utilizes React Server Components for efficient server-side data fetching.
  4. ReactServerComponents to Database: Fetches data from the database securely.
  5. ReactServerComponents to Server and Components: Transmits fetched data to both server and components.
  6. Server to Components: Distributes data to specific components.
  7. Server to UI: Employs streaming to enhance user interaction, displaying data progressively.

📚 Inclusion Summary:

This architecture seamlessly integrates client and server-side components, optimizing data flow.

Key elements like Client, Server, Database, ReactServerComponents, Components, and UI collaboratively enhance data fetching, processing, and presentation.

Interactions demonstrate a well-orchestrated system, utilizing streaming for responsive user interfaces. Overall, it excels in efficiency, component streamlining, and user interface responsiveness, establishing a robust foundation for a user-friendly application.

✨ How to Get Started:

🚀 Live Project:


This is a dynamic project centered around the creation of a dashboard app. This meticulously crafted app display and manage a collection of invoices, showcasing the capabilities and versatility of Next.js.







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