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TemplatedPL(TPL) is a DSL built upon C++ template,
therefore, all evaluations of expressions in TPL would be accomplished at compile time.

Essentially, TPL is a simple Lisp Interpreter,
which supports Lexical Closure, Multi-Parameter Lambda Expression
and First Class Continuation(call/cc).

TPL, however, doesn't support Named Function,
so you must write a Y-Combinator to implement recursive functions.
Fortunately, the common higher-order functions(YCombinator, Map, Reduce, Filter, etc)
and some frequently-used recursive functions have been provided as library functions in lib.hpp.

Because the code of the interpreter is heavily written in Continuation-Passing-Style(CPS),
you may find it difficult to understand if you have no experience in writing a lisp-like interpreter,
I recommend you to read Chapter 4 in SICP && Chapter 5 in EOPL.
If you want to learn more Template-Meta-Programming skills, you should read Chapter 2&&3 in Modern C++ Design.

Source Code Structure

  • evaluator.hpp: the core of the interpreter of TPL
  • evaluator-test.hpp: unittest of the interpreter
  • lib.hpp: provides some common higher-order functions and recursive functions(Y-Combinator, Map, Reduce, Filter, etc)
  • examples.cpp: example codes of TPL

Sample Codes of TPL

  • Sum of Even Numbers Between 1 to 10: Sum( Filter( Range(1, 10), (λx. x%2 == 0) ) )
cout<< Eval< Call< Lib::Sum, Call< Lib::Filter,
                                   Call< Lib::Range, Int<1>, Int<10> >,
                                   Lambda< ParamList< Var<0> >,
                                           IsEqual< Mod< Var<0>, Int<2> >,
                                                    Int<0> > > > > >::value::value;
  • Definition of Y-Combinator: λf.( λx.(f λy. ((x x) y)) λx.(f λy.((x x) y)) )
typedef Lambda< ParamList< Var<0> >,
                Call< Lambda< ParamList< Var<1> >,
                              Call< Var<0>,
                                    Lambda< ParamList< Var<2> >,
                                            Call< Call< Var<1>, Var<1> >,
                                                  Var<2> > > > >,
                      Lambda< ParamList< Var<1> >,
                              Call< Var<0>,
                                    Lambda< ParamList< Var<2> >,
                                            Call< Call< Var<1>, Var<1> >,
                                                  Var<2> > > > > > >
  • call/cc Example: ((λk. (k λk.2)) (call/cc λk.k)) = 2
cout<< Eval< Call< Lambda< ParamList< Var<0> >,
                           Call< Var<0>,
                                 Lambda< ParamList< Var<0> >,
                                         Int<2> > > >,
                   CallCC< Lambda< ParamList< Var<0> >,
                                   Var<0> > > > >::value::value;

Build && Dependency

  • Header Only,see examples.cpp for specific usage
  • The compiler must support C++11, codes have been tested on g++ 4.8.4 and clang++ 3.4
  • Since TPL is totally built on C++ template, the default template-recursion-depth is not enough,
    you should set -ftemplate-depth-2000 flag if you use g++ or clang++ to make sure
    the template-recursion-depth is deep enough for the example codes.
  • Linux: After git clonecmake . && make,then ./bin/examples to run the example code
  • Windows: It may work in VS if there's no template-recursion-depth limit in VS, but I have not tried it yet

Basic Types

  • Interger: Int<N>
  • Bool: Bool<B>
  • Variable: Var<N>
  • Pair: Pair<E1, E2>
  • List: List<E0, EN...>(equivalent to <Pair E1 Pair<..., Pair<Ek, Unit>...>)
  • Unit: Unit(equivalent to void in other languages)
  • Lambda: Lambda< ParamList< Var<0>, Var<N>... >, Body >

Basic Expressions

  • +: Add<E1, E2>
  • *: Mul<E1, E2>
  • %: Mod<E1, E2>
  • : IsGreater<E1, E2>

  • <: IsLess<E1, E2>
  • =: IsEqual<E1, E2>
  • Pair.1: Fst<E>
  • Pair.2: Snd<E>
  • Conditional Branching: If_Then_Else<Cond, E1, E2>
  • Test if it's a Pair: IsPair<E>
  • Test if it's a Unit: IsUnit<E>
  • Function Call: Call<Func, Val0, ValN...>
  • call/cc: CallCC< Lambda< ParamList< Var<K> >, Body > >, used to capture the current continuation

Library Functions

The Following Functions are provided in lib.hpp:

  • YCombinator: The famous Y-Combinator which is used to implement anonymous recursions
  • Reduce: Combine the elements of a list under the specific operation
  • Map: Apply an operation to each element in a list, then return the resulted list
  • Filter: Filter the elements of a list under the specific condition
  • Range: Generate a list containing 1 to N
  • Sum: Calculate the sum of the list
  • IsList: Test if it is a List
  • ListRef: Return the Nth element of a list(starts from 0)
  • ListAppend: Append an element to a list


A Lisp Interpreter Written in C++ Template






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