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russplaysguitar edited this page Oct 5, 2011 · 10 revisions


Chingu is a game development framework for Ruby. It is an extension of the Gosu framework. Chingu is distributed to the world as a Ruby gem.

Leader Name + GitHub ID

Russ S. (russplaysguitar)


  • RVM (recommended)
  • Ruby 1.8.7 or 1.9.2
  • Gosu
  • Rake

Installation Steps

  1. Check RVM dependencies:
  • for name in {bash,awk,sed,grep,ls,cp,tar,curl,gunzip,bunzip2,git,svn} ; do which $name ; done
  1. Install RVM:
  2. Install Ruby 1.8.7 using RVM: rvm install 1.8.7 (1.9.2 is OK too)
  3. Install Gosu dependencies:
  • sudo apt-get install g++ libgl1-mesa-dev libpango1.0-dev libboost-dev libsdl-mixer1.2-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-dev libsndfile1-dev
  1. Create an rvm gemset for chingu: rvm --create use @chingu
  2. Install Gosu: gem install gosu
  3. Install Rake: gem install rake
  4. Download Chingu: git clone
  5. Build Chingu. From within /chingu/ : gem build chingu.gemspec
  6. Install Chingu: gem install chingu-0.9rc7.gem

How to Run

Chingu is now installed as a Ruby Gem on your system, which can be accessed from within any Ruby file. Simply include the following at the beginning of your Ruby files:

require 'rubygems'

require 'chingu'

include Gosu


  • Basic examples here: chingu/examples/
  • Game demos:
  • chingu/examples/game1.rb (requires texplay gem)
  • chingu/examples/game_of_life.rb

Unit Tests

Found in chingu/spec/ . Built using rspec:

Language/Framework References and Guides