R codes.
- cube_indexing.R runs the full pipeline of the system.
It has dependences on EBImage, FITSio, ptw, and R.
Source codes are organized as follows:
Spectra processing codes are in the following files: accumulating.R, cube_spectra.R, differenting.R, erosing.R, masking.R, pixel_processing.R, reading_cubes.R, segmenting.R, stacking.R, and vel_stacking.R
Multiscale segmentation codes are in the following files: gaussian_mix.R, bg_fg.R, optimal_w.R, kernelsmooth.R, kernel_shift.R
Indexing codes (to deal with a relational database): mainFunction.R (runs the indexing pipeline), getObjects.R, getCoordData.R, calculateCoords.R, and writeToDataBase.R
- ROI detection:
R> spectra <- cube_spectra(Z_block,500)
R> h1 <- vel_stacking(Z_block,67,96)
R> h2 <- vel_stacking(Z_block,105,148)
- Multiscale segmentation:
R> gaussian_mix(h1)
R> gaussian_mix(h2)
R> getObjects(h1)
R> getObjects(h2)
- Relational indexing:
% Dependences on DBI and RPostgreSQL
R> drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
R> database <- dbConnect(drv, dbname="alma", user="postgres", password=" ")
R> mainFunction(database,fits)
@Marcelo Mendoza (21/4/15)