This is a Docter Appointment Booking App, the entire project is build using MERN stack
- Sign in / Sign Up
- Application Form for Becoming Docter
- Admin Account width intigrated Docter Application form Approvel and many more
- Intigrated Notifications Alerts
- Avalilable Doctor's List
- Intigrated Docter Profile with Updation Features
- Booking Docter Appointment based on Date and Time
Insert gif or link to demo
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
: 8000
: "Your MongoDB URL"
: xyz123
Installation process first you need to clone the repositories with the following command in your teminal else you can Downlode the files through Zip
git clone
After cloning the repository if client folders are not installed there is a seprate folders for all cleint related files you can Downlode it from Zip
List of dependencies to be installed globally in your Project
npm i axios bcryptjs concurrently dotenv express jsonwebtoken moment mongodb mongoose morgan nodemon
List of Dependencies to be installed in your FrontEnd folder (Clint folder)
npm i antd axios browserify-zlib moment react-icons react-router-dom url web-vitals react-dom
To run clent server , run the following command
npm run start
To run Frontend and Backed server , run the following command
npm run dev
Admin Home page
Admin Docter Approvel Pannel
Admin User List Pannel
Docter Profile Update Pannel
Users Doctor Appointment Booking
Notification Pannel
Javascript, HTML, CSS...
Client: React, Redux, TailwindCSS
Server: Node, Express
If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at
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