A interactive and customizable fantasy-football-style app where users choose the rules for their favorite tv shows.
- Clone the repo.
- Inside the folder, npm install.
- Do the same with bower install.
- Switch to the server folder and do a npm install.
- Create a folder named "logs" inside the server folder.
- To run backend tests, go into the specs folder of server and in terminal type mocha apispecs.js
- Use karma for the front-end tests.
This app adheres to the the airbnb-javascript style-guide.
- Comprehensive data / input validation: inputs should be validated on the client, on the server (in the route handlers), and in the database (specifying unique columns and which columns are allowed to be null etc)
- Production grade authentication / encryption - Passwords are currently stored in plain text
- Oath and ability to invite friends by email - even if they don't have an account
- Angular animations / general styling improvements
- Chatroom for users in a league together
- Alternative playing modes - There are a lot of opportunities to get creative here
- Mobile app - Ionic
- Sound effects
- Tv Show presets - For example, you select the bachelor and characters / events are automatically loaded in. Also, would be cool if you could upload CSV's of characters / events
- Refactor tests and route handlers - split them up into logical / functional groupings
- Play with / earn virtual money
- Ability to leave a league
- Test to show that when an event is triggered on a character the score of that character in the roster table is updated - this functionality is working, but there is no test for it yet
- Lacks delete functions in roster selection