Runs the app in the development mode.
Open to view it in your browser.
Display pins (images) on the main feed.
Each pins should have an image, title, description, link, tags and comments.
Allow users to create a new pins.
Include a form for users to upload images, add titles, descriptions, and other relevant information.
Implement user authentication to allow users to sign up, log in, and log out.
Secure certain features, such as pin creation, for authenticated users only.
Create user profiles where users can view and edit their information.
Display a collection of pins created by the user.
Provide a page or feed for users to explore pins created by others.
Include categories or tags for easy navigation.
Allow users to leave comments on pins.
Display comments below each pin.
Implement a like or favorite system for users to express their appreciation for a pin.
Display the number of likes for each pin.
Allow users to save pins to their profile or collections for future reference.
Implement a search functionality to allow users to find specific pins or topics.
Ensure that my application is responsive at desktop, providing a good user experience on desktop screen sizes.
Create a settings page where users can manage account settings, logout and saved pins.
Implement a backend server to handle data storage, authentication, and other server-side logic.
Use a database to store user information, pins, comments, and other relevant data.
Implement security measures to protect user data, such as secure authentication practices and secure image handling.
Provide error handling mechanisms to gracefully handle unexpected situations and provide meaningful error messages to users.