Group 14 Web Development
This project is an E-learning platform developed by Nidhal Abidi and Oussama Aouini as a summer project . We used for the front end : html , css , javascript and bootstrap (a framework) . for the back end we used : php and databases .
In order for this website to work properly you need to ( we will run it locally ):
- Install a software that will run the php code : we propose WAMP or XAMPP
- Set the database necessary for the sign in / sign up system to work properly and to be able to change the profile picture within this website : a/Open your browser ( we recommand opera for minimum bugs that you may face ) b/Type localhost/phpmyadmin/ then for the username : root password : (leave it empty ) then click on "go"
4)click on "Databases" ( Bases de données ) then write inside the Database Name : "loginsystemtut" then click on "create"
5)click on the "SQL" tab up top and then write this SQL code to create the first table : CREATE TABLE users ( idUsers int(11) AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, uidUsers TINYTEXT NOT NULL, emailUsers TINYTEXT NOT NULL, pwdUsers LONGTEXT NOT NULL );
click "go" or "execute"
Now we need to create the second table : a)click on "loginsystemtut" (which is the name of our database ) b)click on the SQL tab up top and then write this SQL code to create the second table : CREATE TABLE imgupload ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, userid int(11) NOT NULL, status int(11) NOT NULL );
click "go" or "execute"
9)Everything is set up inside the database , now copy the folder named "e-learning" and go inside the installation folder of the software "wamp" then the folder "www" then paste it there .
10)Now open any browser you want and write "localhost/e-learning" and click enter to use it .
Note : The steps above are only followed when you try to use the website for the first time ( because we need to set the database ) otherwise you ignore them and do these two steps :
1)Run the software "WAMP" or "XAMPP"
2)open any browser you want and write "localhost/e-learning" and click enter to use the website