Next word prediction is a language modelling task in Machine Learning that aims to predict the most probable word or sequence of words that follows a given input context. This task utilizes statistical patterns and linguistic structures to generate accurate predictions based on the context provided.
- The Next Word Prediction models have a range of applications across various industries. For example, when you start typing a message on your phone, it suggests the next word to speed up your typing. Similarly, search engines predict and show search suggestions as you type in the search bar. Next word prediction helps us communicate faster and more accurately by anticipating what we might say or search for.
- A diverse dataset of text documents
- Preprocess the data by cleaning and tokenizing it
- Prepare the data by creating input-output pairs
- Engineer features such as word embeddings,
- Select an appropriate model like an LSTM
- Train the model on the dataset while adjusting hyperparameters
- Improve the model by experimenting with different techniques and architectures