Python Solutions to Leet code May Challenge.
- Day1: First Bad Version
- Day2: Jewels and Stones
- Day3: Ransom Note
- Day4: Number Complement
- Day5: First Unique Character in s String
- Day6: Majority Element
- Day7: Cousins in a Binary Tree
- Day8: Check if it is a straight line
- Day9: Valid perfect Square
- Day10: Find the town judge
- Day11: Flood Fill
- Day12: Single Element in a Sorted Array
- Day13: Remove K Digits
- Day14: Implement Trie(Prefix Tree)
- Day15: Maximum Sum Ciruclar Subarray
- Day16: Odd Even Linked List
- Day17: Find All Anagrams in String
- Day18: Permutation in a String
- Day19: Online Stock Span
- Day20: kth Smallest element in a Binary Tree
- Day21: Count square submatrices with All ones(Not Done!!)
- Day22: Sort Characters by Frequency
- Day23: Interval List Intersections
- Day24: Construct Binary Tree from Preorder Traversal
- Day25: Uncrossed Lines
- Day26: Contagious Array
- Day27: Possible Bipartition
- Day28: Counting Bits
- Day29: Course Schedule
- Day30: K Closest points to Origin
- Day31: Edit Distance