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Exercise - Spring Boot - CRUD

  • write a Spring Boot application with the necessary dependencies that:
    • has an entity called Car with the following columns:
      • an id
      • a modelName
      • a type
    • has a dedicated repository for the Car
    • has a dedicated controller for the Car that:
      • is mapped on cars
      • executes the following CRUD operations:
        • create a new Car
        • return a list of all the Cars
        • return a single Car - if the id is not in the db (use existsById()), returns an empty Car
        • updates the type of a specific Car, identified by id and passing a query param - if not present in the db, returns an empty Car
        • deletes a specific Car - if absent, the response will have a Conflict HTTP status
        • deletes all the Cars in the db
  • test the endpoints using Postman for:
    • creating 2 different cars
    • retrieving all the cars
    • retrieving a car by the id
    • trying to retrieve an absent car
    • updates the type of a specific Car
    • trying to update an absent car
    • deleting a specific Car
    • trying to delete an absent Car
    • deleting all the db
  • note for reviewers: view CarCRUD.postman_collection.json in the root folder for all the Postman calls


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