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My submission for the 2020 Garmin Connect IQ Challenge. Written in Monkey C.

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Colors Module and a Minimalist Watchface

Christopher Evans, Garmin 2020 Connect IQ Challenge My two goals for this challenge were:

  • Build a maintainable open source Monkey Barrel for an RGB color implementation.
  • Build an application to showcase the features of the Monkey Barrel.

Motivation: The Venu is the first high-performance athletic wearable from Garmin to include an OLED screen. The hardware for giving athletes a more vibrate experience is now available, although Monkey C and Toybox are still using bare-bones color representation. With the lack of easy-to-use color datatypes, the ConnectIQ store lacks applications with the richness that an OLED screen is capable of. My solution is to develop an accessible and open-source library dedicated to color. Alongside this library, I will add the first Watchface that programmatically stretches the Venu's OLED to its limits.

The Colors Module will be packaged as a monkey barrel (Library) and be compatable with a greater array of watches.

The Minimalist Watchface

Version: 0.1 - 08/07/2020
Author: Christopher Evans

The Minimalist Watchface was built to provide athletes an at-a-glance view of vitals while remaining uncluttered and beautiful.

The Minimalist Watchface was designed and built alongside the Colors Library to showcase most of the features in Colors.

Run Config:

  • WatchFace: Venu / Venu special edition
  • SDK : 3.1

Day Gradient

As the day progresses, the sun rotates around the watchface. Day

The sky uses Colors.drawCurvedGradient() to grade across the watchface. The font color swaps between theme accents to be more readable as the overlaps the UI. Evening

As the sky rotates, both the inner and outer RGB colors grade over time from Sky Blue to Night Violet and Sun Orange to Moon White. Night

All 3 unique color gradients used to color the backdrop result in a natural minimalist display over time. Morning


While a heartrate is detected, the athlete's BPM is displayed and colored by the standard 5 heartrate zones:

  • Resting Zone
  • Heart Healthy Zone
  • Weight Management Zone
  • Aerobic Zone
  • Aerobic Threshold Zone
  • Redline Zone

Battery and Bluetooth

While an athlete depletes their charge, the battery indicator uses Colors.Gradient() to grade between colors and provide an at-a-glance reference for remaining power.    100%    80%    60%    40%    20%    0%    30% - Charging

The bluetooth icon appears next to the battery icon while connected.

Colors Monkey Barrel

Version: 0.1 - 08/07/2020 Author: Christopher Evans

Philosophy: Colors is built to add functionality while still integrating with the existing methods and classes. Every method and class within Colors is developed with Colors::rgb in mind. The simple addition of an rgb class allows for unlimited possibilities in grading, theming, and programmatic color selection.

Version 0.1 of Colors is the first attempt at implementing some of these possibilities.

Introduction to Colors


An rgb instance can be initiated in a number of different ways.

var darkgreen = new Colors.rgb(0x00ab18);
var darkblue = Colors.valsToRGB(6, 0, 171);
var unknown = Colors.randRGB();

Operations can be performed on 24bit colors.

darkgreen.getG(); // 171
darkblue.getHex(); // 0x0600AB
darkgreen.setR(200).getHex(); // 0xc8ab18 Light Purple

var new_color = darkgreen.add(darkblue);
new_color.toString(); // rgb(200, 171, 195)


Palettes are used to represent an ordered collection of colors.

const  theme  =  new  Colors.Palette([
{"dominant"  =>  new  Colors.rgb(0x4281a4)},
{"accent0"  =>  new  Colors.rgb(0x9cafb7)},
{"accent1"  =>  new  Colors.rgb(0xead2ac)},
{"standard"  =>  new  Colors.rgb(0xffffeb)},
// or
const  hr_palette  =  new  Colors.Palette([
{"resting"  =>  Colors.valsToRGB(255,  255,  255)},
{"healthy"  =>  Colors.valsToRGB(123,  255,  130)},
{"weight"  =>  Colors.valsToRGB(123,  181,  255)},
{"aerobic"  =>  Colors.valsToRGB(245,  255,  123)},
{"threshold"  =>  Colors.valsToRGB(255,  205,  123)},
{"redline"  =>  Colors.valsToRGB(255,  123,  123)}

// or

const  day_palette  =  Colors.createPaletteFromHex([
{"0_midnight"  =>  0x191469  },
{"1_preastro"  =>  0x544eb4  },
{"2_sunup"  =>  0xffc2b7  },
{"3_preday"  =>  0x00a3f2  },
{"4_midday"  =>  0x0081ff  },
{"5_precivil"  =>  0x2a96ff  },
{"6_sundown"  =>  0xff76a2  },
{"7_prenight"  =>  0x544eb4  },

Palettes can be changed and used after initiation.

theme.get('dominant'); // rgb(66, 129, 164)
theme.put('accent2', new Colors.valsToRGB(255, 205, 0));

Palettes are really great for clean constant initiation and persistent themes throughout views and layouts.

The Palette.toArray() function allows for easy integration with bitmaps.


Gradients are a datatype used to represent the grade between 2 or more colors.

var basic_grad = new Colors.Gradient(darkgreen, darkblue, 10);
// or with more than one color
var sky_grad  =  Colors.createGradientFromPalette(day_palette,  [15,  12,  13,  32,  32,  13,  12,  15]  ,  true);

Once created, can be mutated.

basic_grad.concat(new Colors.Gradient(darkblue, unknown, 10)); // new size is 20.

basic_grad.get(5); // rgb(3, 87, 96) 

API Reference - Module: Colors

Instance Methods createPaletteFromHex(array) => Colors::Palette      A helper function to build a Colors:Palette from an array of dictionaries containing Hex (Toybox:Lang:Number) values instead of rgb values (Colors:rgb). Parameters:

  • array (Toybox:Lang:array) an array of dictionaries eg: [ {:symbol => (Toybox:Lang:Number)} ]

Returns: (Colors::Palette) The resulting Palette.

createGradientFromPalette(palette, widths, circular) => Colors::Gradient     A helper function to build a Colors:Gradient from a Colors:Palette. Parameters:

  • palette (Colors:Palette) a palette containing the (Colors:rgb) which will be compiled into a gradient
  • widths (Toybox:Lang:Array) an array of (Toybox:Lang:Numbers) determining the width of the grade between
  • circular (Toybox:Land:Boolean) true concats gradient of last palette color to first. If true, widths.size() == palette.size()

Returns: (Colors::Gradient) The resulting gradient.

drawCurvedGradient(dc, x, y, r, gradient)     A helper function to draw a circular gradient. Implentation uses iterator methods. Parameters:

  • dc (Toybox:Graphics:Dc) the device context.
  • x (Toybox:Lang:Number) the x coord for the center of the circular gradient center.
  • y (Toybox:Lang:Number) the y coord for the center of the cicular gradient center.
  • r (Toybox:Lang:Number) the radius for the circular gradient
  • gradient (Colors:Gradient) the gradient to draw

drawCurvedGradientRA(dc, x, y, r, gradient)     A helper function to draw a circular gradient. Signature Identical to Colors.drawCurvedGradient(), implementation changed to have different memery and cpu implications.

drawRectGradient(dc, x, y, width, height, gradient, vertical)     A helper function to draw a rectangular gradient. Parameters:

  • dc (Toybox:Graphics:Dc) - the device context.
  • x (Toybox:Lang:Number) - the x coord for the upper left corner of the gradient.
  • y (Toybox:Lang:Number) - the y coord for the upper left corner of the gradient.
  • width (Toybox:Lang:Number) - width of the gradient.
  • height (Toybox:Lang:Number) - height of the gradient.
  • gradient (Colors:Gradient) - the gradient to draw.
  • vertical (Toybox:Lang:Boolean) - the orientation of the gradient. the value of true will draw a vertical gradient.

valsToRGB(r, g, b) => Colors::rgb     A helper function to allow for creation of rgb object through individual r g b values. Parameters:

  • r (Toybox:Lang:Number) - the value from [0, 255] inclusive for Red.
  • g (Toybox:Lang:Number) - the value from [0, 255] inclusive for Green.
  • b (Toybox:Lang:Number) - the value from [0, 255] inclusive for Blue.

Returns: (Colors::rgb) The rgb value formed form the parameters.

randRGB() => Colors::rgb     A random color generator seeded through Math.srand(). Returns: (Colors::rgb) A random 24bit rgb value.

Class: Colors::rgb

A class to represent a 24 bit color. Superclass: Toybox:Lang:Number Constructor Details initialize(hex) => Colors::rgb Parameters:

  • hex (Toybox::Lang::Number) - 24 bit unsigned integer

Instance Method Details

toString() => Toybox::Lang::String     A readable string of the rgb values. Returns: (Toybox::Lang::String) version of rgb as a string.

toNumber() => Toybox::Lang::Number     A number representation of the instance. Returns: (Toybox::Lang::Number) version of rgb as a 24 bit integer.

setR(r) => Colors::rgb     Set red from [0, 255] inclusive. Parameters:

  • r (Toybox::Lang::Number) - new instance variable value

Returns: mutated self (Colors::rgb)

setG(g) => Colors::rgb     Set green from [0, 255] inclusive. Parameters:

  • g (Toybox::Lang::Number) - new instance variable value

Returns: mutated self (Colors::rgb)

setB(b) => Colors::rgb (Colors::rgb)     Set blue from [0, 255] inclusive. Parameters:

  • b (Toybox::Lang::Number) - new instance variable value

Returns: mutated self (Colors::rgb)

setRGB(r, b, g) => Colors::rgb     Set red, green, and blue from [0, 255]. Parameters:

  • r (Toybox::Lang::Number) - instance variable setter.
  • g (Toybox::Lang::Number) - instance variable setter.
  • b (Toybox::Lang::Number) - instance variable setter.

Returns: mutated self (Colors::rgb)

getR() => Toybox::Lang::Number     Get red value of instance. Returns: instance variable for red (Toybox::Lang::Number)

getG() => Toybox::Lang::Number     Get green value of instance. Returns: instance variable for green (Toybox::Lang::Number)

getB() => Toybox::Lang::Number     Get blue value of instance. Returns: instance variable for blue (Toybox::Lang::Number)

getRGB() => Toybox::Lang:Dictionary     Get Red, Green, and Blue Returns: instance in Dictionary with keys ['r', 'g', 'b']

add(c) => Colors::rgb     Immutibly add rgb value to instance. Parameters:

  • c (Colors::rgb) - the color to be added to instance. Returns: new instance of (Colors::rgb).

subtract(c) => Colors::rgb     Immutibly subtract rgb value to instance. Parameters:

  • c (Colors::rgb) - the color to be subtracted to instance.

Returns: new instance of (Colors::rgb).

copy() => Colors::rgb      Returns: New duplicate instance of rgb.

Class: Colors::Palette

An object to represent an ordered and named collection of rgb colors Superclass: Toybox:Lang:Array Constructor Details initialize(array) => Colors::rgb Parameters:

  • array (Toybox::Lang::Array) - An array of 1 entry dictionaries [ {:symbol => (Colors:rgb)} ]

Note: the odd parameter format is to preserve the visually simple dictionary definition while also allowing for ordered elements. Still exploring alternatives.

Instance Method Details

toString() => Toybox::Lang::String Returns: a readable string representation of instance.

getValues() => Toybox::Lang::Array Returns: Instances values.

getKeys() => Toybox::Lang::Array Returns: Instances keys.

get(key) => Colors::rgb Parameters:

  • key (Toybox::Lang::Symbol) - The key of the desired value.

Returns: Color put at given key

put(key, val) => Colors::Palette Parameters:

  • key (Toybox::Lang::Symbol) - The key of value to be put.
  • val (Colors::rgb) - the val assigned at key.

Returns: self

Class: Colors::Gradient

A class to represent a collected of grading rgb colors. Constructor Details initialize(outer, inner, w) => Colors::Gradient Parameters:

  • outer (Colors::rgb) - Starting gradient color.
  • inner (Colors::rgb) - Ending gradient color.
  • w (Toybox::Lang::Number) - number of steps between outer and inner.

Instance Method Details

concat(gradient) => Colors::Gradient      Concatinates a gradient with self. This function mutates the calling instance. Parameters:

  • gradient (Colors::Gradient) - The gradient to be concatinated onto calling instance.

Returns: mutated self (Colors::Gradient)

toString() => Toybox::Lang::String     A readable string of the instances rgb values. Returns: (Toybox::Lang::String) version of gradient as a string.

hasNext() => Toybox::Lang::Boolean     An iterable-like hasNext() function. Returns: (Toybox::Lang::Boolean) If instance iteration has next.

hasPrev() => Toybox::Lang::Boolean     An iterable-like hasPrev() function. Returns: (Toybox::Lang::Boolean) If instance iteration has previous.

next() => Colors::rgb      An iterable-like next() function. Increments stepcount instance variable. Returns: (Colors::rgb) The rgb at next step;

prev() => Colors::rgb      An iterable-like prev() function. Decrements stepcount instance variable. Returns: (Colors::rgb) The rgb at previous step;

getStep() => Toybox::Lang::Number Returns: (Toybox::Lang::Number) Current iteration step count.

size() => Toybox::Lang::Number Returns: (Toybox::Lang::Number) Number of total steps in gradient.

get(i) => Colors::rgb Parameters:

  • i (Toybox::Lang::Number) - Index of desired value.

Returns: (Colors::rgb) Color in gradient at given index.


My submission for the 2020 Garmin Connect IQ Challenge. Written in Monkey C.






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