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Authors: Christopher De Leon, Mike West, Daniyar Mussin


  • System Design & Architecture: To be led by Christopher, outlining the main components of the NFT marketplace system and how they will interact.

  • Art Development: Daniyar will design the NFT's using ChatGPT's API function to create collections of art using prompt engineering.

  • Interface Design: Mike will take the helm in designing a sleek, intuitive, and interactive interface using Plotty Express, ensuring the system is user-friendly and efficient.

  • Integration & Testing: The team will collaborate in this final phase to integrate all system components to ensure full functionality.

Research Questions

Our research questions are as follows:

  • Can we build a local NFT marketplace from what we learned in class?
  • How can we enhance the functionality and visual aesthetic over using Streamlit?
  • Can we implement Chat GPT's generative image AI into creating an art collection for us?

Libraries and tools used

We will use the following in our project:

  • Remix IDE (to launch smart contract)
  • React (Javascript from project template)
  • Hardhat (configuration to connect to Ganache local blockchain network)
  • Alchemy (project template)
  • OpenAI library (OpenAI DALL-E 3 API)
  • Piñata (to upload data to IPFS)
  • MetaMask (software cryptocurrency wallet used to interact with the Ethereum blockchain)
  • Ganache (local blockchain network)

Overview of Tasks

  • Generating Images
  • Integrating
  • Visualization
  • Integration



  1. Run in a terminal after adding your API key/file (needs an active subscription) and editing prompts

    • Alternatively use "AI NFT Collection\Final AI NFT Collection\Final Images\Compressed" images
  2. Deploy Smart Contract on Remix IDE, follow video, "1. deploying smart contract on remix ide.mp4":

    • Connect MetaMask account via "Injected Provider - MetaMask"

Video 1

  1. Launch React Ethereum dapp, follow video, "2. launching react etheruem dApp.mp4":
    • Create a Ganache workspace
    • commands:
    • Git Bash into "NFT Marketplace" folder, or cd into this directory in your terminal of choose
    • activate conda dev environment, "conda activate dev" in terminal
    • Optional: typing in "npx hardhat node " will give test accounts if needed (Skipping this step is okay)
    • type " npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network ganache"
    • type "npm start"

Video 2

  1. Interacting with NFT Marketplace, follow video, "3.NFT Markplace list, sell and buy demo.mp4":

Video 3

  1. Optional: Using OpenSea Testnet, follow video, "4. OpenSea testnet demo.mp4":

Video 4



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