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Wouldn't it be cool if there was a way to play and interact with matrices in code like a mathematician can do on paper? What is so cool about that is, that instead of working with matrices as rectangles of numbers like a computer normally does, you can employ structural information while still exploiting most of the freedom you have when scribbl…


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License Python versions Implementation

Coverage Status GitHub issues master: Build Status stable: Build Status


Scientific computing requires handling large composed or structured matrices. Fastmat is a framework for handling large composed or structured matrices. It allows expressing and using them in a mathematically intuitive way while storing and handling them internally in an efficient way. This approach allows huge savings in computational time and memory requirements compared to using dense matrix representations.


  • Python
  • Cython


  • Python >= 2.7 or >=3.4
  • Numpy >= 1.07
  • Scipy >= 1.08
  • Cython >= 1.18


  • matplotlib: for demos and tools that make use of plotting functions


  • Sebastian Semper - Technische Universität Ilmenau, Institute for Mathematics
  • Christoph Wagner - Technische Universität Ilmenau, Institute for Information Technology, EMS Group


Documentation / HELP !

Please have a look at the documentation, which is included in the source distribution at github or may be built locally on your machine by running make doc

If you experience any trouble please do not hesitate to contact us or to open an issue on our github projectpage:


Installation fails with ImportError: No module named Cython.Build

Something went wrong with resolving the dependencies of fastmat during setup. This issue will be addressed in release 0.1.1. Please check if the problem persists with this version. You may try to bypass the problem by running pip install cython numpy scipy and retrying the installation of fastmat.

Windows: Installation fails with various "file not found" errors

Often, this is causedby missing header files. Unfortunately windows ships without a c-compiler and the header files necessary to compile native binary code. If you use the Intel Distribution for Python this can be resolved by installing the Visual Studio Build tools with the version as recommended by the version of the Intel Distribution for Python that you are using.

Issue not resolved yet?

Please contact us or leave your bug report in the issue section. Thank You!

Citation / Acknowledgements

If you want to use fastmat or parts of it in your private, scientific or commercial project or work you are required to acknowledge visibly to all users that fastmat was used for your work and put a reference to the project and the EMS Group at TU Ilmenau.

If you use fastmat for your scientific work you are further required to cite the following publication affiliated with the project:

  • to be announced soon. Please tune back in regularly to check on updates.


fastmat currently supports Linux, Windows and Mac OS. You may choose one of these installation methods:

installation with pip:

fastmat is included in the Python Package Index (PyPI) and can be installed from the commandline by running one easy and straightforward command: pip install fastmat

When installing with pip all dependencies of the package will be installed along. With release 0.1.1 python wheels will be offered for many versions greatly improving installation time and effort.

installation from source: doing it manually

  • download the source distribution from our github repository:
  • unpack its contents and navigate to the project root directory
  • run pip install . to install fastmat on your computer
  • you may also install fastmat without pip, using the offered makefile:
    • type make install to install fastmat on your computer
    • If you intend to install the package locally for your user type make install MODE=--user instead.
    • If you only would like to compile the package to use it from this local directory without installing it, type make compile
  • if you install fastmat on a windows system please ensure you have a working and compatible compiler installed, all necessary header files in place and all setup prerequisites fulfilled.


Feel free to have a look at the demos in the demo/ directory of the source distribution. Please make sure to have fastmat already installed when running these.

Please note that the edgeDetect demo requires the Python Imaging Library (PIL) installed and the SAFT demos do compile a cython-core of a user defined matrix class beforehand thus having a delaying the first time they're executed.


Wouldn't it be cool if there was a way to play and interact with matrices in code like a mathematician can do on paper? What is so cool about that is, that instead of working with matrices as rectangles of numbers like a computer normally does, you can employ structural information while still exploiting most of the freedom you have when scribbl…







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  • Python 98.6%
  • Other 1.4%