A Javascript Chrome (and Opera) Extension for Omegle, certified for Chrome 88 and above.
Join the support discord and tag @isaackogan
for inquiries, help and suggestions.
Manual installation is fairly easy thanks to Chrome's great developer support:
1. Navigate to chrome://extensions/ web-page
2. Enable "Developer Tools" on top-right of page
3. Clone Repository on GitHub to Computer & Unzip
4. Click "Load Unpacked" on chrome://extensions/
5. Select repository directory and click OK
6. Use on https://www.omegle.com/ freely
Alternatively, get it on the Chrome Webstore and use normally.
- Isaac Kogan - Initial work - isaackogan
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.