The RISC-V Vectorized Benchmark Suite is a collection composed of seven data-parallel applications from different domains. The suite focuses on benchmarking vector microarchitectures; nevertheless, it can be used as well for Multimedia SIMD microarchitectures. Current implementation is targeting RISC-V Architectures; however, it can be easily ported to any Vector/SIMD ISA thanks to a wrapper library which we developed to map vector intrinsics and math functions to the target architecture.
The benchmark suite with all its applications and input sets is available as open source free of charge. Some of the benchmark programs have their own licensing terms which might limit their use in some cases.
The implementation is based on the Working draft of the proposed RISC-V V vector extension v0.7.1
If you use this software or a modified version of it for your research, please cite the paper: Cristóbal Ramirez, César Hernandez, Oscar Palomar, Osman Unsal, Marco Ramírez, and Adrián Cristal. 2020. A RISC-V Simulator and Benchmark Suite for Designing and Evaluating Vector Architectures. ACM Trans. Archit. Code Optim. 17, 4, Article 38 (October 2020), 29 pages.
Vectorized_Benchmark_Suite/ : The Vectorized Benchmark Suite
blackscholes/ : Blackscholes main folder
...../src : Blackscholes sources
...../bin : Blackscholes binary
canneal/ : canneal main folder
...../src : canneal sources
...../bin : canneal binary
heatequation/ : heatequation main folder
...../src : heatequation sources
...../bin : heatequation binary
particlefilter/ : particlefilter main folder
...../src : particlefilter sources
...../bin : particlefilter binary
pathfinder/ : pathfinder main folder
...../src : pathfinder sources
...../bin : pathfinder binary
streamcluster/ : streamcluster main folder
...../src : streamcluster sources
...../bin : streamcluster binary
swaptions/ : swaptions main folder
...../src : swaptions sources
...../bin : swaptions binary
common/ : intrinsics defines & Math functions
The RISC-V Vectorized Bencmark Suite has been successfully tested on Ubuntu 18 and Centos7
The Suite includes a makefile to compile every application, in order to use it, you must define the path to the RISC-V vector compiler.
Setting the Vector Compiler path
export LLVM=$TOP/epi-toolchain
export PATH=$PATH:$LLVM/bin
We provide precompiled binaries found in the folder bin.
To compile any application you first enter in the subfolder and run the command make followed by the application name
cd _application
make application
For example to compile blackscholes:
cd _blackscholes
make blackscholes
The same for the other applications ...
Also you can compile all the applications by typing:
make all
There are provided 5 different simulation sizes (arguments to run the application). Assuming that the application is running on a simulator, is recommended to not use "native" simulation size.
simtiny : takes seconds to be executed on gem5
simsmall : takes around 15 minutes to be executed on gem5
simmedium : takes around 1 hour to be executed on gem5
simlarge : takes around 8 hours to be executed on gem5
native : only for native hardware
Whe you are executing an application, you must write the following arguments to run a predefined simsize.
blackscholes_args = "1 input/in_512.input output_prices.txt"
canneal_args = "1 100 300 input/100.nets 8"
streamcluster_args = "3 10 128 128 128 10 none output.txt 1"
swaptions_args = "-ns 8 -sm 512 -nt 1"
particlefilter_args = "-x 128 -y 128 -z 2 -np 256"
pathfinder_args = "32 32 output.txt"
heatequation_args = " input/test_small.input output.ppm"
matmul_args = "8 8 8"
axpy_args = "256"
blackscholes_args = "1 input/in_4K.input output_prices.txt"
canneal_args = "1 10000 2000 input/100000.nets 32"
streamcluster_args = "10 20 128 4096 4096 1000 none output.txt 1"
swaptions_args = "-ns 8 -sm 4096 -nt 1"
particlefilter_args = "-x 128 -y 128 -z 8 -np 1024"
pathfinder_args = "1024 128 output.txt"
heatequation_args = " input/test_small.input output.ppm"
matmul_args = "128 128 128"
axpy_args = "512"
blackscholes_args = "1 input/in_16K.input prices.txt"
canneal_args = "1 15000 2000 input/200000.nets 64"
streamcluster_args = "10 20 128 8192 8192 1000 none output.txt 1"
swaptions_args = "-ns 32 -sm 8192 -nt 1"
particlefilter_args = "-x 128 -y 128 -z 16 -np 4096"
pathfinder_args = "2048 256 output.txt"
heatequation_args = " input/test_medium.input output.ppm"
matmul_args = "256 256 256"
axpy_args = "1024"
blackscholes_args = "1 input/in_64K.input prices.txt"
canneal_args = "1 15000 2000 input/400000.nets 128"
streamcluster_args = "10 20 128 8192 8192 1000 none output.txt 1"
swaptions_args = "-ns 64 -sm 16384 -nt 1"
particlefilter_args = "-x 128 -y 128 -z 24 -np 8192"
pathfinder_args = "2048 1024 output.txt"
heatequation_args = " input/test_large.input output.ppm"
matmul_args = "1024 1024 1024"
axpy_args = "2048"
blackscholes_args = "1 input/in_10M.input prices.txt"
canneal_args = "1 15000 2000 input/2500000.nets 6000"
streamcluster_args = "10 20 128 1000000 200000 5000 none output.txt 1"
swaptions_args = "-ns 128 -sm 1000000 -nt 1"
particlefilter_args = "-x 256 -y 256 -z 24 -np 65536"
pathfinder_args = "32768 4096 output.txt"
heatequation_args = " input/test_large.input output.ppm"
matmul_args = "2048 2048 2048"
axpy_args = "4096"
./blackscholes_serial 1 input/in_64K.input prices.txt
./blackscholes_vector 1 input/in_64K.input prices.txt
More info about how to execute the serial and vectorized versions on the gem5 Vector Architecture model can be found in he README file located in
Cristóbal Ramírez Lazo:
PhD. Student at UPC Barcelona
BSC - Barcelona Supercomputing Center