This is a collection of sample scripts and tools for APIC-EM.
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There are two different types of examples; tools and sample python code.
tools/postman contains a collection of postman
requests. These use dynamic variables to link requests together. This is particularly
useful for authentication and asychronous requests, where a taskId
is returned.
sample_code contains some Python scripts to communicate with Cisco's sandbox APIC-EM. These scripts are written in Python 2 and use the third-party requests library. They expose the REST API structure and are a good tool for learning about the APIC-EM REST API.
There are examples for Plug-and-Play (PNP), inventory and EasyQoS (EQ).
Uniq is a Python API client library for APIC-EM, which abstracts the available REST API. uniq_samples contains some examples of using the library. You will need to install uniq to use it, instructions for which are available in the uniq_samples directory README.
The Uniq library is written in Python 3.
More to come...