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inghamn edited this page Dec 10, 2014 · 4 revisions

When developing our system, we want control of who can access what resources. This is one implementation of the Zend libraries and we encourage you to take a look at syntax [ here].


Adding new roles is simple using the function addRole(). We've specified the role 'Anonymous' to refer to any user that hasn't logged in.

Because we would like a hierarchical structure to our permissions system, when we add a new role, we typically give it all the permissions of the role below.

$ZEND_ACL = new Acl();
$ZEND_ACL->addRole(new Role('Anonymous'))
         ->addRole(new Role('Public'), 'Anonymous');

This means that we have two roles Anonymous and Public which doesn't really mean much yet, but Public has all of the permissions of Anonymous.


Declare a resource for each controller. Action functions do not need to be declared.

$ZEND_ACL->addResource(new Resource('index'));  // IndexController
$ZEND_ACL->addResource(new Resource('people')); // PeopleController


Arrays are very useful in setting permissions especially if you are consistent with your naming conventions. Let's say we have these pages:


I want anyone to view and access my index controller, but only users recognized as Public should have access to the people controllers index and view functions.

$ZEND_ACL->allow( null,    ['index' ], ['index', 'view']);
$ZEND_ACL->allow('Public', ['people'], ['index', 'view']);

Developer Guide



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  • Accessibility (Section 508)
  • Progressive Enhancement
  • Unobtrusive Javascript


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