Banana Bread Bot is a feature-rich Discord bot built with Python, using the library. It offers a variety of commands and events that enhance user interaction and server engagement.
Currency System: Users can earn and spend bananas, the server's currency. The bot supports various commands related to the currency system, such as stealing bananas from other users.
Gambling Commands: The bot provides several gambling-related commands, including a blackjack game.
Voice State Update Events: The bot can respond to changes in a user's voice state, such as joining, leaving, or switching voice channels.
GPT-3 Integration: The bot uses OpenAI's GPT-3 model to generate responses to certain messages with many different roles.
Voice Channel Creation: Makes new voice channels when someone needs one.
Custom Pinning: Pins messages to a "Banana Bread" channel when certain emoji pairs are used
Valorant Profile Viewing: Allows users to view their, or other's valorant profile
Overwatch Profile Viewing: Allows users to view their, or other's overwatch profile
Music Playing: Allows users to play youtube videos in the channel.
Speaking Bot: Allows users to have the bot speak responses to them using elevenLabs
The Farm Update: This update will introduce a banana farm upgrade with coin multipliers, investing, functional items, and a shield to block timeouts.
The Stat Update: The upcoming stat update will further enhance the stat system, tying the Attack and Defense stats to timeout time and block time, respectively.