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🚀 PHP Service Container with fast and cachable dependency injection.


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ClanCats Container

A PHP Service Container featuring a simple meta-language with fast and compilable dependency injection.

PHPUnit PHPStan Packagist Packagist GitHub release

Requires PHP >= 7.4


  • Minimal overhead and therefore very fast.
  • Has no additional dependencies.
  • In production serving millions of requests every day.
  • Singleton and Factory service resolvers.
  • Metadata system allowing very intuitive service lookups.
  • A container builder allowing to compile / serialize your service definitions.
  • Container files a simple language to define your services and manage your application config.
  • Composer integration, allowing you to import service definitions from different packages.
  • Lazy service providers for big and dynamic class graphs.

Things you might not like:

  • Container allows only named services.
  • Currently no auto wiring support.
  • Currently no IDE Support for container files.
  • Having a meta-language might not meet everyone's taste.

Table of Contents


This package might seem very heavy for a service container, but after a short warmup, the compiled container is blazing fast and has almost no overhead (3 classes/files). Binding and resolving services dynamically is slower but still won't impact performance in a real-world application.


The container follows PSR-4 autoloading and can be installed using composer:

$ composer require clancats/container

Syntax Highlighting

I've created a basic tmLanguage definition here:

Documentation 💡

The full documentation can be found on

Quick Start ⚡️

Following is just a rough example, a much more detailed and explained guide can be found here: Getting Started


Our target directory structure will look like this:

cache/ # make sure this is writable


To demonstrate how to use this service container we need to create two classes a SpaceShip and a Human.

Create a new php file src/Human.php:

class Human
    public $name;

    public function setName(string $name) {
        $this->name = $name;

Create another php file src/SpaceShip.php:

class SpaceShip
    protected $captain; // every ship needs a captain!

    public function __construct(Human $captain) {
        $this->captain = $captain;

    public function ayeAye() {
        return 'aye aye captain ' . $this->captain->name;

Container file

A container file allows you to bind your services & parameters using a simple meta-language.

Note: This feature is entirely optional if you prefer binding your services in PHP itself read: Service Binding

Create a new file called app.ctn in your applications root folder.

@malcolm: Human
  - setName('Reynolds')

@firefly: SpaceShip(@malcolm)

Container factory

Now we need to parse the container file and compile it as a new class. For this task, we create the app.php file. There you need to require the composer autoloader and require your source files or configure composer to autoload the classes from the src/ directory.

require "vendor/autoload.php";

// for the consistency of the example I leave this here 
// but I strongly recommend to autolaod your classes with composer.
require "src/SpaceShip.php";
require "src/Human.php";

$factory = new \ClanCats\Container\ContainerFactory(__DIR__ . '/cache');

$container = $factory->create('AppContainer', function($builder)
    // create a new container file namespace and parse our `app.ctn` file.
    $namespace = new \ClanCats\Container\ContainerNamespace();
    $namespace->parse(__DIR__ . '/app.ctn');

    // import the namespace data into the builder

Note: Make sure the ../cache directory is writable.

The variable $container contains now a class instance named AppContainer.

echo $container->get('firefly')->ayeAye(); // "aye aye captain Reynolds"

Usage Examples

App Config with Environment

Container parameters are nothing more than values that are globally available in your container. We use them to store most static config values and also to handle different environments.

For this, we usually create two files. In this example:

  • config.ctn The main configuration file.
  • config.ctn.env Environment specific overrides.


// default environment
:env: 'stage'

// debug mode
:debug: false

// Firewall whitelist
:firewall.whitelisted_ips: {
  '': 'Local',
  '': 'Some Office',
  '': 'Another Office',

// application name 'My Awesome application'

import config.env


override :env: 'dev'
override :debug: true

// Firewall whitelist
override :firewall.whitelisted_ips: {
  '': 'Local',
  '': 'MyComputer',

In PHP these values are then accessible as parameters. For this, to work you need to configure the correct import paths in your container namespace. You find an example of that in the Example App.

echo $container->getParameter(''); // 'My Awesome application'
echo $container->getParameter('env'); // 'dev'
echo $container->getParameter('debug'); // true

Aliases / Services Definitions / Parameters Example

# Parameters can be defined erverywhere
:pipeline.prefix: 'myapp.'

// you can define aliases to services
@pipeline.queue: @queue.redis @db.repo.pipeline.mysql

// add function calls that will be run directly after construction of the service
@pipeline: Pipeline\PipelineManager(@pipeline.queue,, @pipeline.executor)
  - setPrefix(:pipeline.prefix)
  - bind(@pipeline_handler.image.downloader)
  - bind(@pipeline_handler.image.process)

@pipeline_handler.image.downloader: PipelineHandler\Images\DownloadHandler(@client.curl)
@pipeline_handler.image.process: PipelineHandler\Images\ProcessHandler(@image.processor, { 
  'temp_dir': '/tmp/', 
  'backend': 'imagick'

HTTP Routing using Metadata

Your can use the container metadata to define routes directly with your service definitions:

@controller.dashboard.home: App\Controller\Dashboard\HomepageAction
  = route: {'GET'}, '/dashboard/home'

@controller.dashboard.sign_in: App\Controller\Dashboard\SignInAction
  = route: {'GET', 'POST'}, '/dashboard/signin'

@controller.dashboard.sign_out: App\Controller\Dashboard\SignOutAction
  = route: {'GET'}, '/logout'

@controller.dashboard.client: App\Controller\Dashboard\ClientDetailAction
  = route: {'GET'}, '/dashboard/clients/me'
  = route: {'GET'}, '/dashboard/clients/{clientId}'

Now obviously this is depending on your routing implementation. You are able to fetch all services with a routing definition like so:

Example using FastRoute:

$dispatcher = \FastRoute\cachedDispatcher(function(RouteCollector $r) use($container)
    foreach($container->serviceNamesWithMetaData('route') as $serviceName => $routeMetaData)
        // an action can have multiple routes handle all of them
        foreach($routeMetaData as $routeData)
            $r->addRoute($routeData[0], $routeData[1], $serviceName);
}, [
    'cacheFile' => PATH_CACHE . '/RouterCache.php',
    'cacheDisabled' => $container->getParameter('env') === 'dev',

Eventlisteners using Metadata

Just like with the routing you can use the meta data system to define eventlisteners:

@signal.exception.http404: App\ExceptionHandler\NotFoundExceptionHandler
  = on: 'http.exception', call: 'onHTTPException'

@signal.exception.http400: App\ExceptionHandler\BadRequestExceptionHandler
  = on: 'http.exception', call: 'onHTTPException'

@signal.exception.http401: App\ExceptionHandler\UnauthorizedAccessExceptionHandler
  = on: 'http.exception', call: 'onHTTPException'

@signal.bootstrap_handler: App\Bootstrap
  = on: 'bootstrap.pre', call: 'onBootstrapPre'
  = on: '', call: 'onBootstrapPost'

And then in your event dispatcher register all services that have the matching metadata.

The following example shows how the implementation could look like. Copy pasting this will not just work.

foreach($container->serviceNamesWithMetaData('on') as $serviceName => $signalHandlerMetaData)
    // a action can have multiple routes handle all of them
    foreach($signalHandlerMetaData as $singalHandler)
        if (!is_string($singalHandler[0] ?? false)) {
            throw new RegisterHandlerException('The signal handler event key must be a string.');

        if (!isset($singalHandler['call']) || !is_string($singalHandler['call'])) {
            throw new RegisterHandlerException('You must define the name of the function you would like to call.');

        $priority = $singalHandler['priority'] ?? 0;

        // register the signal handler
        $eventdispatcher->register($singalHandler[0], function(Signal $signal) use($container, $singalHandler, $serviceName)
        }, $priority);

Logging handler discovery

Or maybe you have a custom framework that comes with a monolog logger and you want to make it easy to add custom log handlers per integration:

 * Log to Graylog
 */ ''
:gelf.port: 12201

@gelf.transport: Gelf\Transport\UdpTransport(, :gelf.port)
@gelf.publisher: Gelf\Publisher(@gelf.transport)
@logger.error.gelf_handler: Monolog\Handler\GelfHandler(@gelf.publisher)
  = log_handler

 * Also send a slack notification 
@logger.,error.slack_handler: Example\MyCustom\SlackWebhookHandler('', '#logs')
    = log_handler

And your framework can simply look for services exposing a log_handler meta key:

// gather the log handlers
$logHandlerServices = array_keys($container->serviceNamesWithMetaData('log_handler'));

// bind the log hanlers
foreach($logHandlerServices as $serviceName) {

Container File Syntax

Container files are written in a very simple meta language.


The language supports the following scalar types:

  • Strings Single and double quoted.
    'hello' & "world"
  • Numbers float / double, int.
    3.14, 42
  • Booleans
    true and false.
  • Null
  • Arrays list and associative.
    {'A', 'B', 'C'}, {'A': 10, 'B': 20}


Container files do not differentiate between different number types because it would be an unnecessary overhead, we forward that job directly to PHP.

42 # Int
42.01 # Float
-42.12345678912345 # Double

That means that also the floating point precision is handled by PHP. All values are interpreted means large doubles might be stored rounded.


Strings must always be encapsulated with a single ' or double " quote. This serves mainly a comfort purpose when having many quotes inside your string not having to escape them all.

Escaping of special characters works just the usual way.

:say: 'Hello it\'s me!'`

Beloved or Hated emojis will also work just fine.

:snails: '🐌🐌🐌'

Booleans and Null

There is not much to say about them:

:nothing: null
:positive: true
:negative: false


It's important to notice that all arrays are internally associative. When defining a simple list the associative key is automatically generated and represents the index of the item.

This means that the array {'A', 'B'} equals {0: 'A', 1: 'B'}.

Arrays can be defined multidimensional:

    'title': 'Some catchy title with Star Wars',
    'tags': {'top10', 'movies', 'space'},
    'body': 'Lorem ipsum ...',
            'text': 'Awesome!',
            'by': 'Some Dude',


Parameters or configuration values can also be defined inside the container files.

A parameter is always prefixed with a : character.

:database.hostname: ""
:database.port: 7878
:database.cache: true

Service Definition

A service definition is always named and must be prefixed with a @ character.

## <service name>: <class name>
@log.adapter: FileAdapter

The class name can contain the full namespace.

@log.adapter: Acme\Log\FileAdapter


Constructor arguments can be passed after the class name.

@dude: Person("Jeffery Lebowski")
Referenced arguments

Arguments can reference a parameter or service.

:name: 'Jeffery Lebowski'

@dude: Person(:name)
@mysql: MySQLAdapter('localhost', 'root', '')

@repository.posts: Repositories/Post(@mysql)

Method calls

Method calls can be assigned to a service definition.

@jones: Person('Duncan Jones')
@sam: Person('Sam Rockwell')

@movie.moon: Movie('Moon')
  - setDirector(@jones)
  - addCast(@sam)
  - setTags({'Sci-fi', 'Space'})

Service metadata

Metadata can be assigned to every service definition.

Its then possible to fetch the services matching a metadata key.

@controller.auth.sign_in: Controller\Auth\SignInController(@auth)
  = route: {'GET', 'POST'}, '/signin'

The metadata key is always a vector / array so you can add multiple of the same type:

@controller.auth.sign_in: Controller\Auth\SignInController(@auth)
  = route: {'GET', 'POST'}, '/signin'
  = tag: 'users'
  = tag: 'auth'

The elements inside the metadata definition can have named keys:

@app.bootstrap: Bootstrap()
  = on: 'app.start' call: 'onAppStart'

Service Updates

It is possible to update already defined services with more construction calls and metadata. This is quite handy to organize large amount of dependencies with a dynamic lookups.

You could for example define your logger in one file.

@logger.main: Acme\Logger

And add observers using a construction call where you need them.

@logger.observers.email_devs: Acme\EmailLogObserver('')
@logger.observers.email_support: Acme\EmailLogObserver('')

  - addObserver(@logger.observers.email_devs)
  - addObserver(@logger.observers.email_support)

The same is also true for metadata.

@controller.homepage: Controller\Homepage
  = on: '/homepage'

// also show homepage on root
  = on: '/'


Other container files can be imported from the container namespace.

import config
import app/dashboard
import app/user
import app/shop


Services and Parameters have been explicit overwritten if they have already been defined.

:ship: 'Star Destroyer'

override :ship: 'X-Wing'

Example App

This should showcase a possible structure of an application build using the CCContiner. This is a simplified version of what we use in our private service framework.

Folder structure:

# The main entry point for our container application

# A per environment defined config. This file
# is being generated by our deployment process 
# individually for each node.

# We like to but all other container files in one directory
  # Most configuration parameters go here

  # Command line commands are defined here

  # Application routes (HTTP), actions and controllers 

  # General application services. Depending on the size of 
  # the project we split the services into more files to keep
  # things organized. 

# PHP Bootstrap

# Composer file

# A writable directory for storing deployment 
# depndent files.

# PHP Source 



Bootstrap (Container Builder)

This container builder does a few things:

  • Imports container namespaces from packages installed using composer.
  • Scans the ./app directory for ctn files.
  • Adds the env container file to the namespace.
if (!defined('DS')) { define('DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); }

define('PATH_ROOT',         __DIR__);
define('PATH_CACHE',        PATH_ROOT . DS . 'var' . DS . 'cache');
define('PATH_APPCONFIG',    PATH_ROOT . DS . 'app');

$factory = new \ClanCats\Container\ContainerFactory(PATH_CACHE);

$container = $factory->create('AppContainer', function($builder)
    $importPaths = [
        'app.env' => PATH_ROOT . '/app.ctn.env',

    // find available container files
    $rii = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator(PATH_APPCONFIG));

    foreach ($rii as $file) 
        // skip directories
        if ($file->isDir()) continue;

        // skip non ctn files
        if (substr($file->getPathname(), -4) !== '.ctn') continue;

        // get the import name
        $importName = 'app' . substr($file->getPathname(), strlen(PATH_APPCONFIG), -4);

        // add the file
        $importPaths[$importName] = $file->getPathname();

    // create a new container file namespace and parse our `app.ctn` file.
    $namespace = new \ClanCats\Container\ContainerNamespace($importPaths);
    $namespace->importFromVendor(PATH_ROOT . '/vendor');

    // start with the app file
    $namespace->parse(__DIR__ . '/app.ctn');

    // import the namespace data into the builder

App Container Files

The first file app.ctn has mainly one job. That is simply to include other files and therefore define the order they are being read.


 * Import the configuration
import app/config

 * Import the services
import app/services

 * Import the actions & routes
import app/routes

 * Import the commands
import app/commands

 * Load the environment config last so it is
 * able to override most configs.
import app.env

ToDo / feature whishlist

  • Container Files
    • Metadata support
    • Array Support
    • Alias Support
    • Container file Namespace support
    • Autowiring by "using trait"
    • Autowiring by "instance of"
    • Autowiring by "has method"
    • Property injection
    • Parameter concatination
    • Input Parameters (used for env detection)
    • Late service override (allow for adding meta or calls)
    • macros
  • Container
    • Metadata support
    • Property injection



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.