The goal here is to replace all textures with hd equivalents. Will try to remain close to the originals but may make changes for asthetic or visability reasons.
- All base maps to include hd textures, lighting information and custom skybox.
- All common models to have updated hd textures.
- Redisigned HUD taylored for TF
- Crossshair
- Update console background and menu GFX
1on1forts 2fort5r 2mach1 2night2 32smooth 4f4 amth1 bam4 blitzkrieg2 canalzon dissect genders2 h4rdcore kotc mbasesr mini32s mininoheros mininoheros2 minitf2k poop r321 rock2 rs_zz1 scourge2 shoop spaz4 sq1 sunnyramps tf2k turtler volcanic well1on1 well6 xpress2 xpress3 z7
- HUD icon: inspired by Quake Live, created by bps, heavily modified by zel
- Crosshair: deurk