Run shadow clones of your system parallely with Docker
- Linux kernel with OverlayFS support
- Docker
- Bash
- Git (Only for installation)
- Vim (Or other editor $EDITOR sets to)
- Tar (For saving and loading shadow env)
curl -L | sh
sudo shadow [ARGS...] [CMD...]
Arguments | Description | Default |
-h, --help | Show help message | N/A |
-v, --version | Show version of Shadow | N/A |
-C, --clean | Clear shadow env in current directory | N/A |
-s, --start | Start shadow env from Shadowfile | N/A |
-g, --generate | Generate a Shadowfile | N/A |
-S, --save | Save current shadow env to a tarball | N/A |
-L, --load | Load shadow env from a tarball | N/A |
-U, --upgrade | Upgrade shadow to it's latest version | N/A |
-q, --quiet, QUIET | Set to disable all shadow logs | (not set) |
-k, --keep, KEEP_SHADOW_ENV | Set to keep the shadow environment | (not set) |
-u, --user, START_USER | Start as given username or uid | 0 (root) |
-w, --work-dir, WORK_DIR | Working directory | (pwd) |
-i, --ignore, IGNORE_LIST | Paths not to be mounted into a container | dev proc sys |
-c, --clear, CLEAR_LIST | Paths to clear before container starts | /mnt /run /var/run |
-f, --file, SHADOW_FILE | Filename of the shadowfile | Shadowfile |
-I, --img, SHADOW_IMG | Name of the image to be used as base | shadow |
-p, --perfix, SHADOW_PERFIX | Perfix of the shadow container | SHADOW- |
-d, --shadow-dir, SHADOW_DIR | Directory where all shadow env file saves | .shadow |
This enters a shadow shell
sudo shadow
This enters a shadow bash shell
sudo shadow bash
This starts python in a shadow environment
sudo shadow python
This starts the shadow system from beginning (may cause tty conflict)
sudo shadow -w / /sbin/init
Run some dangerous commands without actually hurting your system
sudo shadow rm -rf / --no-preserve-root
Keep environment after container detached
sudo shadow --keep [CMD...]
Generate a Shadowfile
shadow [ARGS...] -g
Start shadow from Shadowfile
sudo shadow [ARGS...] -s
Start shadow from myShadowfile
sudo shadow [ARGS...] -f myShadowfile -s
Save a shadow env
shadow -S shadowenv.tar
Save a shadow env with gzip
shadow -S | gzip -9 > shadowenv.tar.gz
Load a shadow env from a tarball to the current directory
shadow -L shadowenv.tar.gz
Load a shadow env from a tarball to another directory
shadow -L shadowenv.tar.gz /another/directory