AR Drawing is a simple application created for educational purposes for mastering ARKit.
The basis of the project is copied from the project proposed by Apple and modified.
The user has the option to choose from 4 drawing options.
The first assumes the possibility of free placement of objects in space.
The minimum possible distance between objects corresponds to the size of the node.
The second option involves placing on a plane that has been pre-arranged in the surrounding world.
The third option is the placement of objects and drawing on the reference image (a 1000 rubles bill is taken for the reference image)
The latter option involves drawing lines constructed from user-selected objects.
The drawing point corresponds to the point of the user's view (or the center of the screen).
Drawing begins after clicking on the screen and continues in such a way that the objects are at an equal distance from the user, resulting in a "flat" picture.
The menu has the ability to select basic forms, their color and size.
Also, the user has the opportunity to choose from several models of the .scn format