(don't) roll your own federated learning
There are a number of characteristics, that we would like to have in a Federated Learning framework, that are not really covered in existing frameworks.
Some of the objectives are:
Keep it simple It should be really easy to use this code. It should also be equally simple to develop variations starting from this code base.
Actual clients Simulate each client individually.
Run everywhere Deploy on multiple small machines.
There are also aspects of the simulation that we would like to make more realistic, such as:
- Rolling window on data Local data shouldn't (always) be considered stable. In a realistic setting local data would become stale over time, and new data points would be added periodically.
Make sure the package liblzma-dev
is installed in your system.
(sudo apt install liblzma-dev
Pytorch CPU needs to be installed following the instructions provided on the official website:
pip install torch==1.8.1+cpu torchvision==0.9.1+cpu torchaudio==0.8.1 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
Before continuing please make sure you have setup the correct paths in
Install requirements with make init
, and install the package with make install
Run tests with make test
Testing is done via pytest
. Tests will be automatically discovered by looking
in the tests/
directory for files and functions having test
as a prefix.
Centralized protocol for federated learning implemented in ryofl:
mermaid code for the diagram
participant S as Server
participant C as Client
Note left of S: Read PORT, IP, MINCLIENTS, RNDCLIENTS.<br/>fl_round_s = 0<br/>global_model = new()<br/>cli_models = {}
Note right of C: Read PORT, IP, IDCLI. <br/>fl_round_c = 0<br/>local_model = new()<br/>received = False<br/>updated = False
loop Every n seconds
C ->> S: (IDCLI, local_model, fl_round_c, updated)
Note left of S: If !updated OR fl_round_c != fl_round_s:<br/> -> Send server state
S ->> C: (fl_round_s, global_model)
Note right of C: If fl_round_s != fl_round_c AND !received:<br/> -> fl_round_c = fl_round_s<br/> -> local_model = global_model<br/> -> received = True<br/> -> updated = False
rect rgba(251, 230, 208, 0.6)
C ->> C: If received AND !updated:<br/> -> local_model = train(local_model, local_data)<br/> -> updated = True<br/> -> received = False
C ->> S: (IDCLI, local_model, fl_round_c, updated)
Note left of S: If updated AND fl_round_c == fl_round_s:<br/> -> cli_models[IDCLI] = local_model
S ->> C: ack
Note left of S: If len(cli_models) >= MINCLIENTS:<br/> -> Ready to proceed<br/>
rect rgba(208, 251, 209, 0.6)
S ->> S: ATOMIC:<br/> -> global_model = aggregate(cli_models, RNDCLIENT)<br/> -> fl_round_s += 1
Use python ryofl/generate_datasets.py
to download the datasets. The location
of the downloaded files is specified in ryofl/common.py
This script will also split the datasets into per-client chunks, based on the specific logic of each dataset, and populate sub-directories with the chunk numpy files.
Note: this is the only part of the code which depends on Tensorflow-Federated.
Generate the configuration files for the server and each client with:
python -m ryofl.server make-configs --dataset femnist --model_id cnn --clients 4 --workers 1 --aggregation averaging --rounds 20
Here, the -- aggregation averaging
parameter will indicate which aggregation
function to use. Users can specify their own aggregation functions by defining
them in ryofl/fl/aggregations.py
and providing the correct identifier here.
The --workers
option indicates how many worker threads will be generated by
each of the clients participating in the protocol. A conservative approach to
selecting this value is suggested.
Here, --rounds
indicates the total number of aggregation rounds the server
will execute. In a single Federated Learning round, multiple local training
epochs can be run by the single clients, before sending the local update to the
server. The number of local training epochs can be controlled with the option
These files will, by default, be create in the configs/
folder. This can be
changed in ryofl/common.py
Configuration files are human-readable json formatted, and will also contain the
list of data files each client should use during the training.
The server script can then be run with:
python -m ryofl.server fl --config configs/cfg_file_0.json
By default the server will wait for a sufficient number of clients to join before the actual training protocol begins.
Similarly, running the clients script will look like:
python -m ryofl.client fl --config configs/cfg_file_1.json
Note: please be careful to assign the correct configuration file to each client.