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Integration Guide

Man edited this page Aug 9, 2021 · 13 revisions

Step 1.

Copy CocoaDebug.framework to the root directory of your project in Finder.

Step 2.

Select the Build Settings tab and add the following to the Debug configuration of the Framework Search Paths (FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS) setting:

$(inherited) $(SRCROOT)

Step 3.

Still in the Build Settings tab, add the following to the Debug configuration of the Other Linker Flags (OTHER_LDFLAGS) setting:

-ObjC -weak_framework CocoaDebug

Step 4.

Still in the Build Settings tab, add the following to the Debug configuration of the Runpath Search Paths (LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS) if it is not already present:

$(inherited) @executable_path/Frameworks

Step 5.

Select the Build Phases tab and add a new Run Script phase. Paste in the following shell script:

export CocoaDebug_FILENAME="CocoaDebug.framework"
export CocoaDebug_PATH="${SRCROOT}/${CocoaDebug_FILENAME}"

[ "${CONFIGURATION}" != "Debug" ] && exit 0

if [ -d "${CocoaDebug_PATH}" ]; then

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