This repository contains the code samples that have been presented during this session about TextKit, and more specifically dedicated to text layout. It contains two sample applications for iPad:
TextKitSimpleLayout illustrates the techniques for basic text layout with TextKit. It presents a two-column layout with a shape-view providing an exclusion path and a Text attachment showing an image in the text layout flow. The columns can be resized by moving the slider; the shape-view can be moved to test the dynamic change of exclusion path.
TextKitSubclasses provide examples of TextKit customization through subclassing: a round-shape text container demonstrates how easy it is to create a NSTextContainer subclass;
is a simple subclass of NSTextStorage (analog the example provided at WWDC 2013). Note that the Text View with the round text container is fully editable, just as any regular UITextView. TextKitSubclasses also include an example of a custom NSView subclass using directly TextKit to draw rich text on a path (a circle in this case).
These code samples are provided under the MIT lience.