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Base application for management of employees working hours

Software requirements

  • Python 3.7.0
  • Django 2.1.1

Environment set-up

Clone following repository:

git clone

NOTE: Upon completing all steps for required OS, please refer to the local configuration sub-section.


  1. Install Python 3.7.0 by running in terminal

    sudo apt install python3.7

    You can verify the installation by running: python3.7 --version

  2. Install PIP:

    sudo apt install python3-pip

    You can verify the installation by running: python3.7 -m pip.

  3. Install pipenv with PIP:

    pip install pipenv

    Remark: pipenv 11.9 does not work, if you encounter a release problem try 2020.8.13

  4. Change directory to the folder containing SheetStorm project, activate virtual environment and install all dependencies from Pipfile:

    pipenv shell
    pipenv install

    Remark: if not all dependaencies are installed try pipenv install --dev.

  5. Install PostgreSQL:

    sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib
  6. With administrative rights, edit file located in /etc/postgresql/<version>/main/pg_hba.conf. Change <method> to trust in the following line:

    local   all             postgres                                <method>

    Restart PostgreSQL:

    sudo service postgresql restart
  7. Create database for application:

    createdb -U postgres sheetstorm

Mac OS

  1. Install Xcode command-line tools by running xcode-select --install in terminal.

  2. Install Homebrew:

    ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  3. Install Python 3.7.0:

    brew install python

    You can verify the installation by running python3 --version.

  4. Install PIP:

    sudo easy_install pip

    You can verify the installation by running: pip3 --version.

  5. Install virtualenv with PIP:

    pip3 install virtualenv
  6. Create new virtualenv and install all dependencies:

    virtualenv ~/.virtualenvs/sheetstorm --python python3.7
    source ~/.virtualenvs/sheetstorm/bin/activate
    pip install pip --upgrade
    # Dependencies for running sheetstorm application
    pip install --requirement sheetstorm/requirements.lock
  7. Install PostgreSQL with brew install postgresql.

    Create a database cluster:

    initdb /usr/local/var/postgres
  8. With administrative rights, edit file located in /usr/local/var/postgres/pg_hba.conf. Change <method> to trust in the following line:

    local   all             postgres                                <method>

    Restart PostgreSQL:

    brew services restart postgresql

    If server is unavailable, even though homebrew claims that service is running, try manual restart with:

    pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres restart
  9. Create database for application:

    createdb -U postgres sheetstorm


  1. Install Python 3.7.0 with web-based installer.

    You can verify Python installation by running python --version in Command Prompt.

    You can verify PIP installation by running pip --version.

  2. Install virtualenv with PIP:

    pip3 install virtualenv
  3. Create new virtualenv and install all dependencies:

    virtualenv ~/.virtualenvs/sheetstorm --python python3.7
    <your venv location>\Scripts\activate
    pip install pip --upgrade
    # Dependencies for running sheetstorm application
    pip install --requirement sheetstorm/requirements.lock
  4. Install BigSQL PGC and PostgreSQL 10.5:

    cd C:\
    #Install BigSQL PGC
    @powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))"
    #Install PostgreSQL
    cd bigsql
    pgc install pg10
  5. Edit file located in C:\bigsql\pg10\init\pg_hba.conf, add the following line to file:

    local   all             postgres                                trust

    Restart PostgreSQL:

    C:\bigsql\pgc restart pg10
  6. Create database for application by running the following command in Command Prompt:

    C:\bigsql\pg10\bin\createdb -U postgres sheetstorm.

Local configuration

Create your local configuration in /sheetstorm/settings/

from .development import *

If your database configuration differs from the defaults, you may need to tweak the values below and add them to your too:

DATABASES['default']['NAME'] = 'sheetstorm'
DATABASES['default']['USER'] = 'postgres'
DATABASES['default']['PASSWORD'] = ''

Edge-to-edge testing

This project uses Selenium framework for simulating client behaviour for testing purposes. In order to successfully run edge-to-edge tests, Chrome browser must be installed and ChromeDriver must be downloaded and included in PATH. You can run edge-to-edge tests by executing script located in file.

NOTE: Chrome supports headless run. In order to run tests in headless mode, modify following value in sheetstorm/settings/

HEADLESS_BROWSER_RUN = False    #Change to 'True' for headless testing run