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AWS CDK Lambda + S3 PDF Thumbnail Generator

This is a very small and minimal example CDK project to create a lambda function that automatically generates a PNG thumbnail for a PDF file uploaded to an S3 bucket.

Note: This is not a production-ready solution. It is just a minimal example to show how you could use AWS CDK to create PDF thumbnails. It is not optimized for performance or security, seriously, don't use this in production.

First, make sure that CDK is installed and configured/authenticated. Then edit the config.ts file to set your account ID and region.

Then follow these steps:

npm install
cdk bootstrap
cdk synth
cdk deploy

Useful commands

  • cdk bootstrap bootstrap this stack

  • cdk deploy deploy this stack to your default AWS account/region

  • cdk diff compare deployed stack with current state

  • cdk synth emits the synthesized CloudFormation template

  • npm run test perform the jest unit tests


The project consists of the following components:

  • config.ts - contains the configuration for the project
  • bin/aws-thumbnail.ts - the main entry point for the CDK project
  • lib/aws-thumbnail-stack.ts - the main stack for the CDK project
  • lib/lambda/index.ts - the lambda function that is executed when a PDF file is uploaded to the S3 bucket
  • test/aws-thumbnail.test.ts - the unit tests for the CDK project


Deploying the stack will create the following resources:

  • S3 bucket to upload the PDF files and store the thumbnails
  • Lambda function to generate the thumbnails
  • Role for the Lambda function to access the S3 bucket
  • Event Notification for the S3 bucket to trigger the Lambda function when an object is created


Basic AWS CDK Stack to generate PNG Thumbnails for PDFs




