• pygame library --> pip install pygame
• PyQt5 library --> pip install pyqt5-tools
• Qt Designer
In this Project 6 sorting algorithms are implemented as follows:
This file shows the implementation of Merge Sort Algorithm only. This is the startup Menu page. To select an algorithm press SPACEBAR and to navigate across the array size and the speed of the algorithm use Arrow Keys and to run just press ENTER.
Now to run Mergesort Select Merge Sort, array size as 400 elements and speed as 5X
First you will see the information related to Merge Sort algorithm which is made using Qt designer and pyqt5-tools, then to visualize you must close this window to open the algorithm visualizer.
Now, the unsorted array of size 400 is visible to start sorting this array press SPACEBAR to play.
You can pause this array sorting using the S key and to resume you can press P from the keyboard.