The notebook takes a look at the indicators outlined on the Australian Bureau of Statistics website:
- Download all data from the key indicator link
- Preprocess the data to columnwise with correct datetime formating.
- Highlight correlations and p-values
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Seasonally adjusted Sales ($m) Rental hiring and real estate services Chain volume measures
Seasonally adjusted Sales ($m) Retail trade Chain volume measures
Seasonally adjusted Inventories ($m) Retail trade Chain volume measures
Seasonally adjusted Sales ($m) Administrative and support services Chain volume measures
Seasonally adjusted Wages ($m) Education and training Current prices
Seasonally adjusted Sales ($m) Electricity gas water and waste services Chain volume measures
Seasonally adjusted Inventories ($m) Electricity gas water and waste services Chain volume measures
Seasonally adjusted Sales ($m) Financial and insurance services Chain volume measures
Seasonally adjusted Wages ($m) Accommodation and food services Current prices
Seasonally adjusted CGOP ($m) Accommodation and food services Current prices
Seasonally adjusted Wages ($m) Transport postal and warehousing Current prices
Seasonally adjusted CGOP ($m) Transport postal and warehousing Current prices
Seasonally adjusted Sales ($m) Accommodation and food services Chain volume measures
Seasonally adjusted Inventories ($m) Accommodation and food services Chain volume measures
Seasonally adjusted Sales ($m) Transport postal and warehousing Chain volume measures
Seasonally adjusted Wages ($m) Mining Current prices
Seasonally adjusted CGOP ($m) Mining Current prices
Seasonally adjusted Wages ($m) Wholesale trade Current prices
Seasonally adjusted CGOP ($m) Wholesale trade Current prices
Seasonally adjusted Sales ($m) Other services Chain volume measures
Seasonally adjusted Sales ($m) Construction Chain volume measures
Seasonally adjusted Sales ($m) Manufacturing Chain volume measures
Seasonally adjusted Inventories ($m) Manufacturing Chain volume measures
Seasonally adjusted Wages ($m) Financial and insurance services Current prices
Seasonally adjusted CGOP ($m) Financial and insurance services Current prices
Seasonally adjusted Wages ($m) Retail trade Current prices
Seasonally adjusted CGOP ($m) Retail trade Current prices
Seasonally adjusted Inventories ($m) Total industry Chain volume measures (a)
Seasonally adjusted Wages ($m) Construction Current prices
Seasonally adjusted CGOP ($m) Construction Current prices
Seasonally adjusted Wages ($m) Rental hiring and real estate services Current prices
Seasonally adjusted CGOP ($m) Rental hiring and real estate services Current prices
Seasonally adjusted Wages ($m) Administrative and support services Current prices
Seasonally adjusted CGOP ($m) Administrative and support services Current prices
Seasonally adjusted Wages ($m) Information media and telecommunications Current prices
Seasonally adjusted CGOP ($m) Information media and telecommunications Current prices
Quarterly (%) Company gross operating profits seasonally adjusted estimates
Year on Year (%) Company gross operating profits seasonally adjusted estimates
Seasonally adjusted Wages ($m) Professional scientific and technical services Current prices
Seasonally adjusted CGOP ($m) Professional scientific and technical services Current prices
Seasonally adjusted Sales ($m) Professional scientific and technical services Chain volume measures
Seasonally adjusted Wages ($m) Total industry Current prices
Seasonally adjusted CGOP ($m) Total industry Current prices
Seasonally adjusted Sales ($m) Mining Chain volume measures
Seasonally adjusted Inventories ($m) Mining Chain volume measures
Seasonally adjusted Sales ($m) Information media and telecommunications Chain volume measures
Seasonally adjusted Sales ($m) Arts and recreation services Chain volume measures
Seasonally adjusted Wages ($m) Arts and recreation services Current prices
Seasonally adjusted CGOP ($m) Arts and recreation services Current prices
Seasonally adjusted Sales ($m) Wholesale trade Chain volume measures
Seasonally adjusted Inventories ($m) Wholesale trade Chain volume measures
Seasonally adjusted Wages ($m) Other services Current prices
Seasonally adjusted CGOP ($m) Other services Current prices
Quarterly (%) Chain volume measures seasonally adjusted estimates
Year on Year (%) Chain volume measures seasonally adjusted estimates
Seasonally adjusted Wages ($m) Health care and social assistance Current prices
Seasonally adjusted Wages ($m) Electricity gas water and waste services Current prices
Seasonally adjusted CGOP ($m) Electricity gas water and waste services Current prices
Net trade (ppt) Net trade contributions to quarterly growth in GDP chain volume measures seasonally adjusted (a)
Exports of goods and services (ppt) Net trade contributions to quarterly growth in GDP chain volume measures seasonally adjusted (a)
Imports of goods and services (ppt) Net trade contributions to quarterly growth in GDP chain volume measures seasonally adjusted (a)
Household saving ratio (%) Household saving ratio seasonally adjusted
Levels (RHS) ($b) Household consumption chain volume measures seasonally adjusted
Quarterly growth (%) Household consumption chain volume measures seasonally adjusted
Gross disposable income (ppt) Contributions to quarterly growth in household disposable income current prices seasonally adjusted (a)
Labour income (COE) (ppt) Contributions to quarterly growth in household disposable income current prices seasonally adjusted (a)
Non-labour income (ppt) Contributions to quarterly growth in household disposable income current prices seasonally adjusted (a)
Income payable (ppt) Contributions to quarterly growth in household disposable income current prices seasonally adjusted (a)
Total GOS (%) Quarterly growth in gross operating surplus current prices seasonally adjusted
Private non-financial corporations (%) Quarterly growth in gross operating surplus current prices seasonally adjusted
Financial corporations (%) Quarterly growth in gross operating surplus current prices seasonally adjusted
Dwellings owned by persons (%) Quarterly growth in gross operating surplus current prices seasonally adjusted
Levels (RHS) ($b) Gross domestic product chain volume measures seasonally adjusted
Quarterly growth (%) Gross domestic product chain volume measures seasonally adjusted
GDP (ppt) Contributions to quarterly growth in GDP chain volume measures seasonally adjusted (a)
Consumption (ppt) Contributions to quarterly growth in GDP chain volume measures seasonally adjusted (a)
Investment (ppt) Contributions to quarterly growth in GDP chain volume measures seasonally adjusted (a)
Changes in inventories (ppt) Contributions to quarterly growth in GDP chain volume measures seasonally adjusted (a)
Net trade (ppt) Contributions to quarterly growth in GDP chain volume measures seasonally adjusted (a)
Through the year (%) Compensation of employees current prices seasonally adjusted
Quarterly growth (%) Compensation of employees current prices seasonally adjusted
Total GOS + GMI (ppt) Mining and non-Mining contributions to quarterly growth in GOSMI current prices seasonally adjusted (a)
Mining (ppt) Mining and non-Mining contributions to quarterly growth in GOSMI current prices seasonally adjusted (a)
Non-Mining (ppt) Mining and non-Mining contributions to quarterly growth in GOSMI current prices seasonally adjusted (a)
Private COE (%) Quarterly growth in compensation of employees by sector current prices seasonally adjusted
Public COE (%) Quarterly growth in compensation of employees by sector current prices seasonally adjusted
Total COE (%) Quarterly growth in compensation of employees by sector current prices seasonally adjusted
Total private investment (ppt) Contributions to quarterly growth in private investment chain volume measures seasonally adjusted (a)
Dwellings (ppt) Contributions to quarterly growth in private investment chain volume measures seasonally adjusted (a)
Ownership transfer costs (ppt) Contributions to quarterly growth in private investment chain volume measures seasonally adjusted (a)
Non-dwelling construction (ppt) Contributions to quarterly growth in private investment chain volume measures seasonally adjusted (a)
Machinery and equipment (ppt) Contributions to quarterly growth in private investment chain volume measures seasonally adjusted (a)
Cultivated biological resources (ppt) Contributions to quarterly growth in private investment chain volume measures seasonally adjusted (a)
Intellectual property products (ppt) Contributions to quarterly growth in private investment chain volume measures seasonally adjusted (a)
Terms of trade (RHS) (%) Quarterly growth in prices seasonally adjusted
GDP IPD (LHS) (%) Quarterly growth in prices seasonally adjusted
DFD IPD (LHS) (%) Quarterly growth in prices seasonally adjusted
Essential consumption (%) Quarterly growth in household discretionary and essential consumption chain volume measures seasonally adjusted
Discretionary consumption (%) Quarterly growth in household discretionary and essential consumption chain volume measures seasonally adjusted
Total % Share of jobs with a wage rise by size of rise June quarters (a)
> 0 to 2% Share of jobs with a wage rise by size of rise June quarters (a)
> 2 to 3% Share of jobs with a wage rise by size of rise June quarters (a)
> 3 to 4% Share of jobs with a wage rise by size of rise June quarters (a)
> 4 to 6% Share of jobs with a wage rise by size of rise June quarters (a)
> 6% Share of jobs with a wage rise by size of rise June quarters (a)
Private (%) Annual wage growth by sector seasonally adjusted (a)
Public (%) Annual wage growth by sector seasonally adjusted (a)
Enterprise Agreement Contributions to wage growth by method of setting pay (a)
Individual Arrangement Contributions to wage growth by method of setting pay (a)
Award Contributions to wage growth by method of setting pay (a)
Average hourly wage change (%) Quarterly wage dynamics in the public sector (a)
Proportion of jobs (%) Quarterly wage dynamics in the public sector (a)
Average hourly wage change (%) Quarterly wage dynamics in the private sector (a)
Proportion of jobs (%) Quarterly wage dynamics in the private sector (a)
Quarterly (%) (%) All sector WPI quarterly and annual movement (%) seasonally adjusted (a)
Annual (%) (%) All sector WPI quarterly and annual movement (%) seasonally adjusted (a)
Quarter Machine and equipment price rises drove the increase in Input prices to coal mining
index no. Machine and equipment price rises drove the increase in Input prices to coal mining
quarter (% change) Machine and equipment price rises drove the increase in Input prices to coal mining
annual (% change) Machine and equipment price rises drove the increase in Input prices to coal mining
Quarter Annual growth in the headline prices for Outputs of manufacturing was the lowest since June 2021
index no. Annual growth in the headline prices for Outputs of manufacturing was the lowest since June 2021
quarter (% change) Annual growth in the headline prices for Outputs of manufacturing was the lowest since June 2021
annual (% change) Annual growth in the headline prices for Outputs of manufacturing was the lowest since June 2021
Quarter Demand continued to ease while wage costs from labour shortages drove House construction price rises
index no. Demand continued to ease while wage costs from labour shortages drove House construction price rises
quarter (% change) Demand continued to ease while wage costs from labour shortages drove House construction price rises
annual (% change) Demand continued to ease while wage costs from labour shortages drove House construction price rises
Quarter Increase in Final demand eased this quarter to 0.5%
index no. Increase in Final demand eased this quarter to 0.5%
quarter (% change) Increase in Final demand eased this quarter to 0.5%
annual (% change) Increase in Final demand eased this quarter to 0.5%
Main contributors Other basic non-ferrous metal manufacturing and Alumina production drove the rise in quarterly output prices of manufacturing
quarter (% quarter) Other basic non-ferrous metal manufacturing and Alumina production drove the rise in quarterly output prices of manufacturing
annual (% quarter) Other basic non-ferrous metal manufacturing and Alumina production drove the rise in quarterly output prices of manufacturing
Quarter Gas extraction domestic Australia quarterly and annual movement (%)
index no Gas extraction domestic Australia quarterly and annual movement (%)
quarter (% change) Gas extraction domestic Australia quarterly and annual movement (%)
annual (% change) Gas extraction domestic Australia quarterly and annual movement (%)
Main contributors Input prices to house construction recorded rises due to energy and freight costs
quarter (% change) Input prices to house construction recorded rises due to energy and freight costs
annual (% change) Input prices to house construction recorded rises due to energy and freight costs
State High material costs and skilled labour shortages drove Non-residential building construction prices
quarter (% change) High material costs and skilled labour shortages drove Non-residential building construction prices
annual (% change) High material costs and skilled labour shortages drove Non-residential building construction prices
State High material costs and skilled labour shortages drove price rises in Other residential building construction
quarter (% change) High material costs and skilled labour shortages drove price rises in Other residential building construction
annual (% change) High material costs and skilled labour shortages drove price rises in Other residential building construction
Main contributors Building construction drove the quarterly increase in Final demand
quarter (% change) Building construction drove the quarterly increase in Final demand
annual (% change) Building construction drove the quarterly increase in Final demand
Quarter Heavy and civil engineering construction prices rose due to high energy costs
index no. Heavy and civil engineering construction prices rose due to high energy costs
Other heavy & civil (% change) Heavy and civil engineering construction prices rose due to high energy costs
Road and bridge (% change) Heavy and civil engineering construction prices rose due to high energy costs
Quarter Transport postal and warehousing prices fell due to a fall in fuel prices
Road freight transport (% change) Transport postal and warehousing prices fell due to a fall in fuel prices
Postal and courier pick-up and delivery services (% change) Transport postal and warehousing prices fell due to a fall in fuel prices
Rail freight transport (% change) Transport postal and warehousing prices fell due to a fall in fuel prices
Airport operations and other air transport support services (% change) Transport postal and warehousing prices fell due to a fall in fuel prices
Quarter Quarterly change in prices for domestic gas extraction by market
East Coast (% change) Quarterly change in prices for domestic gas extraction by market
West Coast (% change) Quarterly change in prices for domestic gas extraction by market
Quarter Professional scientific and technical services prices rose due to labour cost pressures with ongoing shortages of skilled labour
Architectural, engineering and technical services (% change) Professional scientific and technical services prices rose due to labour cost pressures with ongoing shortages of skilled labour
Legal and accounting services (% change) Professional scientific and technical services prices rose due to labour cost pressures with ongoing shortages of skilled labour
Quarter Output prices of building construction continued to ease reflecting stabilising material prices
index no. Output prices of building construction continued to ease reflecting stabilising material prices
quarter (% change) Output prices of building construction continued to ease reflecting stabilising material prices
annual (% change) Output prices of building construction continued to ease reflecting stabilising material prices
Quarter The headline price for Input to manufacturing fell in June quarter 2023
index no. The headline price for Input to manufacturing fell in June quarter 2023
quarter (% change) The headline price for Input to manufacturing fell in June quarter 2023
annual (% change) The headline price for Input to manufacturing fell in June quarter 2023
Quarter Non-residential property operators prices increased for the tenth consecutive quarter
Non-residential property operators (% change) Non-residential property operators prices increased for the tenth consecutive quarter
Other goods and equipment rental and hiring (% change) Non-residential property operators prices increased for the tenth consecutive quarter
Motor vehicle and transport equipment rental and hiring (% change) Non-residential property operators prices increased for the tenth consecutive quarter
Real estate services (% change) Non-residential property operators prices increased for the tenth consecutive quarter
City Input prices to house construction increased across most capital cities this quarter
quarter (% change) Input prices to house construction increased across most capital cities this quarter
annual (% change) Input prices to house construction increased across most capital cities this quarter
Quarter Accommodation services prices fell due to reduced seasonal demand
Accommodation (% change) Accommodation services prices fell due to reduced seasonal demand
Cafes, restaurants and takeaway food services (% change) Accommodation services prices fell due to reduced seasonal demand
Quarter Input prices to house construction growth continued to ease from historical highs
index no. Input prices to house construction growth continued to ease from historical highs
quarter (% change) Input prices to house construction growth continued to ease from historical highs
annual (% change) Input prices to house construction growth continued to ease from historical highs
Main Contributors Basic chemical and chemical products drove the fall in quarterly input prices to manufacturing
quarter (% change) Basic chemical and chemical products drove the fall in quarterly input prices to manufacturing
annual (% change) Basic chemical and chemical products drove the fall in quarterly input prices to manufacturing
NSW ($b) New loan commitments for owner occupier housing (seasonally adjusted) values by state
Vic ($b) New loan commitments for owner occupier housing (seasonally adjusted) values by state
Qld ($b) New loan commitments for owner occupier housing (seasonally adjusted) values by state
SA ($b) New loan commitments for owner occupier housing (seasonally adjusted) values by state
WA ($b) New loan commitments for owner occupier housing (seasonally adjusted) values by state
Tas ($b) New loan commitments for owner occupier housing (seasonally adjusted) values by state
NT ($b) New loan commitments for owner occupier housing (seasonally adjusted) values by state
ACT ($b) New loan commitments for owner occupier housing (seasonally adjusted) values by state
Total fixed rate housing loans ($b) Fixed vs variable rate loans funded (a) in the month including refinancing (original) value Australia
Total variable rate housing loans ($b) Fixed vs variable rate loans funded (a) in the month including refinancing (original) value Australia
Construction (seasadj) ($b) New loan commitments business finance by purpose (seasonally adjusted and trend) values Australia
Purchase of property (seasadj) ($b) New loan commitments business finance by purpose (seasonally adjusted and trend) values Australia
Construction (trend) ($b) New loan commitments business finance by purpose (seasonally adjusted and trend) values Australia
Purchase of property (trend) ($b) New loan commitments business finance by purpose (seasonally adjusted and trend) values Australia
Total (seasadj) ($b) New loan commitments total housing (a) (seasonally adjusted and trend) values Australia
Owner occupier (seasadj) ($b) New loan commitments total housing (a) (seasonally adjusted and trend) values Australia
Investor (seasadj) ($b) New loan commitments total housing (a) (seasonally adjusted and trend) values Australia
Total (trend) ($b) New loan commitments total housing (a) (seasonally adjusted and trend) values Australia
Owner occupier (trend) ($b) New loan commitments total housing (a) (seasonally adjusted and trend) values Australia
Investor (trend) ($b) New loan commitments total housing (a) (seasonally adjusted and trend) values Australia
Owner occupier (ex. refinancing) (%) New loan commitments for housing by purpose (seasonally adjusted) monthly growth in value Australia
Investor (ex. refinancing) (%) New loan commitments for housing by purpose (seasonally adjusted) monthly growth in value Australia
Construction of dwellings ($b) New loan commitments for owner occupier housing by purpose (seasonally adjusted) values Australia
Purchase of newly erected dwellings ($b) New loan commitments for owner occupier housing by purpose (seasonally adjusted) values Australia
Purchase of existing dwellings ($b) New loan commitments for owner occupier housing by purpose (seasonally adjusted) values Australia
Alterations, additions and repairs ($b) New loan commitments for owner occupier housing by purpose (seasonally adjusted) values Australia
Purchase of residential land ($b) New loan commitments for owner occupier housing by purpose (seasonally adjusted) values Australia
Purchase of other vehicles and equipment ($b) New loan commitments personal fixed term loans (seasonally adjusted) values Australia - smaller purposes
Household and personal goods ($b) New loan commitments personal fixed term loans (seasonally adjusted) values Australia - smaller purposes
Travel and holidays ($b) New loan commitments personal fixed term loans (seasonally adjusted) values Australia - smaller purposes
External refinancing ($b) New loan commitments personal fixed term loans (seasonally adjusted) values Australia - smaller purposes
Australia ($'000) Average loan sizes for owner-occupier dwellings (original) by state
NSW ($'000) Average loan sizes for owner-occupier dwellings (original) by state
Vic ($'000) Average loan sizes for owner-occupier dwellings (original) by state
Qld ($'000) Average loan sizes for owner-occupier dwellings (original) by state
SA ($'000) Average loan sizes for owner-occupier dwellings (original) by state
WA ($'000) Average loan sizes for owner-occupier dwellings (original) by state
Tas ($'000) Average loan sizes for owner-occupier dwellings (original) by state
NT ($'000) Average loan sizes for owner-occupier dwellings (original) by state
ACT ($'000) Average loan sizes for owner-occupier dwellings (original) by state
Total purpose excluding refinancing ($b) New loan commitments personal fixed term loans (seasonally adjusted) values Australia - larger purposes
Purchase of road vehicles ($b) New loan commitments personal fixed term loans (seasonally adjusted) values Australia - larger purposes
Personal investment (excluding housing) ($b) New loan commitments personal fixed term loans (seasonally adjusted) values Australia - larger purposes
Other purposes ($b) New loan commitments personal fixed term loans (seasonally adjusted) values Australia - larger purposes
Total refinancing ($b) External refinancing (seasonally adjusted) values Australia
Owner-occupier refinancing ($b) External refinancing (seasonally adjusted) values Australia
Investor refinancing ($b) External refinancing (seasonally adjusted) values Australia
NSW ($b) New loan commitments for investor housing (seasonally adjusted) values by state
Vic ($b) New loan commitments for investor housing (seasonally adjusted) values by state
Qld ($b) New loan commitments for investor housing (seasonally adjusted) values by state
SA ($b) New loan commitments for investor housing (seasonally adjusted) values by state
WA ($b) New loan commitments for investor housing (seasonally adjusted) values by state
Tas ($b) New loan commitments for investor housing (seasonally adjusted) values by state
NT ($b) New loan commitments for investor housing (seasonally adjusted) values by state
ACT ($b) New loan commitments for investor housing (seasonally adjusted) values by state
Mining - Seasonal ($m) Australian Bureau of Statistics
Non Mining - Seasonal ($m) Australian Bureau of Statistics
Mining - Trend ($m) Australian Bureau of Statistics
Non Mining - Trend ($m) Australian Bureau of Statistics
Seasonally Adjusted ($m) Goods debits (imports) seasonally adjusted
Trend (a) ($m) Goods debits (imports) seasonally adjusted
Seasonally Adjusted ($m) Balance on goods and services
Seasonally Adjusted Services credits (exports) seasonally adjusted
Seasonally Adjusted ($m) Services debits (imports) seasonally adjusted
Seasonally Adjusted ($m) Goods credits (exports) seasonally adjusted
Trend (a) ($m) Goods credits (exports) seasonally adjusted
Net IIP ($b) International investment position
Net Foreign Equity ($b) International investment position
Net Foreign Debt ($b) International investment position
Metal ores and minerals ($b) Selected major commodities (a)
Coal, coke and briquettes ($b) Selected major commodities (a)
Other mineral fuels ($b) Selected major commodities (a)
Net primary income Net primary income (a)
Primary income credits Net primary income (a)
Primary income debits Net primary income (a)
Implicit Price Deflators Goods credits (a) Implicit price deflators and international trade price indexes
Implicit Price Deflators Goods debits (a) Implicit price deflators and international trade price indexes
Export Price Index (b) Implicit price deflators and international trade price indexes
Import Price Index (b) Implicit price deflators and international trade price indexes
Current account balance ($b) Current account balance (a) main aggregates
Net goods & services ($b) Current account balance (a) main aggregates
Net primary income ($b) Current account balance (a) main aggregates
Balance on goods and services ($b) Goods and services chain volume measures (a)
Balance on goods ($b) Goods and services chain volume measures (a)
Balance on services ($b) Goods and services chain volume measures (a)
Implicit Price Deflator Goods and services credits Implicit price deflator and terms of trade (a)
Implicit Price Deflator Goods and services debits Implicit price deflator and terms of trade (a)
Terms of Trade (net Goods and services) Implicit price deflator and terms of trade (a)
Quarter Import Price Index all groups quarterly movement (%)
Change from previous quarter Import Price Index all groups quarterly movement (%)
Quarter Export Price Index all groups quarterly movement (%)
Change from previous quarter Export Price Index all groups quarterly movement (%)
All Groups CPI, percentage change from previous quarter All groups CPI quarterly movement (%)
Percentage change from previous quarter (%) All groups CPI quarterly movement (%)
Weighted average of eight capital cities, percentage change from previous quarter (%) All groups CPI quarterly movement (%)
Groups Weighted average of eight capital cities quarterly movement (%)
Percentage change from previous quarter (%) Weighted average of eight capital cities quarterly movement (%)
All groups CPI Percentage change from previous quarter (%) Weighted average of eight capital cities quarterly movement (%)
Change from previous period Insurance Australia quarterly and annual movement (%)
Annual change Insurance Australia quarterly and annual movement (%)
Goods (%) CPI Goods and Services components annual movement (%)
Services (%) CPI Goods and Services components annual movement (%)
Daily average price of diesel (Cents per litre) Average price of unleaded petrol (91 octane) and diesel cents per litre
Quarterly average price of diesel (Cents per litre) Average price of unleaded petrol (91 octane) and diesel cents per litre
Daily average price of ULP (Cents per litre) Average price of unleaded petrol (91 octane) and diesel cents per litre
Quarterly average price of ULP (Cents per litre) Average price of unleaded petrol (91 octane) and diesel cents per litre
Rents, annual movement (%) Rents annual movement (%)
Sydney (%) Rents annual movement (%)
Melbourne (%) Rents annual movement (%)
Brisbane (%) Rents annual movement (%)
Australia (%) Rents annual movement (%)
All groups CPI (%) All groups CPI and Trimmed mean Australia annual movement (%)
Trimmed mean (%) All groups CPI and Trimmed mean Australia annual movement (%)
Change from previous quarter (%) New dwelling purchase by owner occupiers Australia quarterly and annual movement (%)
Annual change (%) New dwelling purchase by owner occupiers Australia quarterly and annual movement (%)
Quarter All groups CPI Australia quarterly and annual movement (%)
Change from previous quarter (%) All groups CPI Australia quarterly and annual movement (%)
Annual change (%) All groups CPI Australia quarterly and annual movement (%)