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Python/Django, Vue.js project for eCommerce platform Landing Page and Dashboard

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You should install
"Vagrant" and "VirtualBox" applications.
for working with this project.

If these packages were installed,
please go to project's root folder and create .env file in the config folder.
cp env.example config/.env

After this call the next command in the console:

  • vagrant up

When installation will be done, please do next actions in the console:

  • vagrant ssh

We need to have two additional libs in system for running PDF file generator.

  • sudo apt-get install libcairo2-dev Needed for install Cairo & Pango.

  • sudo apt-get install libdmtx0a Needed for datamatrix

Possible problems during environment setup in Ubuntu: (1) Problem: It appears your machine doesn't support NFS, or there is not an adapter to enable NFS on this machine for Vagrant. Please verify that nfsd is installed on your machine, and try again. If you're on Windows, NFS isn't supported. If the problem persists, please contact Vagrant support. Solution apt install nfs-kernel-server nfs-common

Initialization of the project

Go to project root and install all needed requirements.

  • pip install -r requirements/local.txt

The next command can reset your changes in the database to initial state.

  • python init_project

This command will do the next actions:

  • Initialize migrations;
  • Initialize countries;
  • Initialize categories;
  • Initialize default product class;
  • Initialize default partner;
  • Initialize products;
  • Initialize flatpages;

load locations ``./ loaddata locations`

Run Server

  • python runserver


For running Celery, please run the next commands:

  • celery -A radonmeters.apps.taskapp worker -l info
  • celery -A radonmeters.apps.taskapp beat -l info

Congratulations, now you can be access to site, dashboard and admin panel:

Admin's links:

Additional steps

  • After server has been up you need to change the Site object (via admin panel).

How to build frontend (on development)

  1. Open terminal in the project root dir. After that you should install all yarn and bower packages. All tasks and other helpers are in folder gulp.
  2. Type yarn install. **On your computer already should be installed nodejs.
  3. Type bower install. 3.1 Type once echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p. It's needed for the normal working of watchers.
  4. Type yarn run develop. Source files haven't been compressed and concatenated.
  5. You can change source files and your build automatically will be changed. Watchers will watch for them. Also, your page will have been reloaded automatically.
  • Type yarn run watch for watching your files.
  • Type yarn run serve for watching files and running and browser sync.

Gulp and project build

  • /gulpfile.js - main file for Gulp with general tasks.
  • /gulp/paths.js - all paths for src and dist files.
  • /gulp/helpers.js - common helper methods. Used in tasks.
  • /gulp/handlers.js - handler methods (on error, on change, on delete, on logging). Used in tasks.
  • /gulp/tasks/ - tasks which separated by logic.


URLs for website.


  • /api/v1/profile/orders/ # GET,
  • /api/v1/profile/dosimeters/<dosimeter_id>/ # GET, OPTIONS, PUT, PATCH

URLs for Android app.


  • /api/v1/order/orders/?status=created
  • /api/v1/order/products/?id=created
  • /api/v1/order/add_bar_code/ {id=<line_id>, device_barcode={key: value}}
  • /api/v1/order/done/ {id=<order_id>}

Create order with IsPartner permission

  • api/v1/data-import/orders/

Use ansible for update servers :

  • cd ansible
  • ansible-playbook universal.yml --extra-vars="target=develop" (for develop)
  • ansible-playbook universal.yml --extra-vars="target=staging" (for staging)
  • ansible-playbook universal.yml --extra-vars="target=beta" (for beta
  • ansible-playbook universal.yml --extra-vars="target=gmscientific" (for gmscientific
  • ansible-playbook universal.yml --extra-vars="target=production" (for production
  • ansible-playbook universal.yml --extra-vars="target=radosure-develop" (for radosure-develop

First initialization service keys

  • Add appropriate variables to env:
  • ./ init_service_keys

Server separation

On server radosure you need to add env variable DJANGO_MAIN_PERMISSION=radosure for mark radosure permission


First init

  1. Create locale folder mkdir radonmeters/locale/
  2. Copy en default po file for prevent Plural-Forms exception cp -r radonmeters/default_locale/en radonmeters/locale
  3. Create other translations ./ makemessages -l en -l da -l nn -l sv
Compiles .po files created by makemessages to .mo files for use with the built-in gettext support

./ makemessages -l en -l da -l nn -l sv ./ compilemessages -l en -l da -l nn -l sv

Export and import database

Export database dump

pg_dump --no-owner prod-radonmeters | gzip > /home/admin/backup/db/prod-radonmeters-$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S).sql.gz

Import database

createdb prod-radonmeters gunzip -c filename.sql.gz | psql prod-radonmeters


Python/Django, Vue.js project for eCommerce platform Landing Page and Dashboard







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