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The secret and legendary web project of @CodeSopranos team.

  • The project provides an opportunity to create dashboards based on parsed tags on social media or social networks e.g. Twitter.
  • Dashboards contains figures that can describe some extracted informations from the parsed data.
  • There is possibility to create public or private dashboard. Public dashboards will appear in feed page.


setuping docker environment
how to mount disk D in toolbox

!If you do not have volume postgres_data then run docker volume create postgres_data!

Build and up docker in dev mode:

  1. docker-compose build
  2. docker-compose up -d
  3. Then check dockerIP:8000/board/

You can also to run django manage commands.
For example, get into db docker-compose exec db psql --username=admin --dbname=admin

Run docker in prod mode:

  1. docker-compose -f up -d --build
  2. Then check dockerIP:1337/board/


  • Ilya Sedunov
  • Vadim Alperovich