Codename Crew is a team made of the people behind the creation of Codename Engine, an engine for the game Friday Night Funkin'.
Our team aims to optimize the original experience of FNF while also supporting its community with providing the necessary modification methods enclosed in a single engine program.
This group and Codename Engine itself were initially founded and created by Yoshman29 as a spiritual successor the founder's previous engine, Yoshi Engine. After some time spent working on the project, however, Yosh chose to step down from contributing to the engine and group, moving on from the FNF Modding Community to pursue other things and leaving the project in our care.
Everything about this project is open source and documented in our website and also on GitHub, where Codename Engine's source also is.
NOTE: While we always end up being open source, we test our biggest updates in a closed source repository before publishing them into the public one.
Codename Crew currently has 5 owners: Nex_isDumb, Ne_Eo, Lunarcleint, WizardMantis, Frakits.
We also collaborate with many other talented devs who work on the engine (who are all individually credited in-engine as well as here)!
If you have issues or questions, or just want to recieve updates (or just like devs shitposting) you can also join our Discord community server where you can find all the devs and owners active!
aight i'm done writing this shi, Nex here out just lost the game...