A simple and functional CLI for Sonic Pi, written in Ruby.
gem install sonic-pi-cli
Sonic Pi must be running, as this is just a client.
sonic_pi play 50
sonic_pi sample :loop_breakbeat, rate: 0.5
sonic_pi stop
echo 'sample :loop_amen' | sonic_pi
echo music.rb | sonic_pi
$ irb
irb(main):001:0> require 'sonic_pi'
=> true
irb(main):002:0> SonicPi.new.run('play [50, 55, 60]')
=> 36
sonic-pi-cli is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for more details.
- Tests
- Command line help
- Stop command
Thanks to Sam Aaron for creating Sonic Pi. Official command line support is planned for Sonic Pi 3.0.
For those interested, the code weighs in at around 100 lines and is stupid simple. Take a look.