Note: Outdated public clone of CodeKN/CodeKN. The current version of CodeKN is not publicly available yet.
Goal: using automated tools (robots) gather most recent and most valuable technical articles and posts from popular websites, engineering blogs, etc.
This repositoroy is a monorepo which includes:
- devhub-be/devhub - back-end, Golang project
- devhub-fe-web - front-end web, React project
- devhub-fe-mobile - front-end mobile, React Native/Expo project
Check out the Wiki for version 1 details.
devhub: # git root directory
|-devhub-be # container for back-end
|-devhub # go project
|-devhub-fe-web # container for front-end web
|-devhub # react project
|-devhub-fe-mobile # container for front-end mobile
|-devhub # expo/react native project