A simple clone of the Unix wc
utility written in Go. Counts lines, words, characters and bytes in text files or standard input.
- Counts lines (-l), words (-w), characters (-m), and bytes (-c)
- Handles multiple files
- Supports standard input through pipes
- Unicode-aware character counting
- Combines flags (e.g. -lwm)
go build -o ccwc .
ccwc [flags] [files...]
# Default behavior (-clw) on a file
ccwc file.txt
# Count only lines and words in multiple files
ccwc -lw file1.txt file2.txt
# Count characters from standard input
cat file.txt | ccwc -m
# Count lines from standard input
echo "hello\nworld" | ccwc -l
count lines-w
count words-m
count characters (Unicode support)-c
count bytes
Multiple flags can be combined: -lwm
If no flags are specified, defaults to -clw
$ echo "hello world" | ccwc
1 2 12
$ ccwc -lw test.txt
7145 58164 test.txt
$ ccwc -c README.md
1271 README.md
The prompt for this project was provided by Coding Challenges: Build Your Own wc Tool.
MIT License