- Download the code using GIT or with the downloading the zip link
- Run the script to verify that you have everything we need for the training:
- On Linux / Mac: check-system.sh
- On Windows: check-system.cmd
- Go into the folder of the kata you want to practice. Eg: cd fizz-buzz
- Execute the tests. Pick one option:
Option 1: With docker and make
Option 2: With docker without make
docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}:/code codiumteam/tdd-training-js make test-watch
Option 3: Without docker:
- Install the dependencies:
npm install
- Execute the tests:
npm run test:watch
- Install the dependencies:
- Solve the kata.
Kata to start doing TDD
Kata to keep practicing TDD
Kata to practice some test smells.
Kata to start practising TDD with test doubles.
Kata to practice outside-in TDD.