Note that this miner was only intended to be a temporary solution in the early days of Warthog and to serve as a reference for miner devs. There are probably better miners available today, see here.
WARTHOG JANUSHASH MINER Copyright (c) 2023 CoinFuMasterShifu, Pumbaa, Timon & Rafiki
- GPU+CPU Miner for Janushash
- Linux
- gcc11 or newer
- meson
- ninja
- opencl
Note: Ubuntu 20.04 does not meet these requirements.
- Install dependencies (gcc, meson, ninja):
sudo apt install meson ninja-build build-essential
- Clone the repo:
git clone
- cd into the repo:
cd janusminer
- Create build directory:
meson build .
(meson build . --buildtype=release
for better performance) - cd into build directory:
cd build
- [Optional] For old OpenCL headers (like on Ubuntu 20.04):
meson configure -Dopencl-legacy=true
- Compile using ninja:
- Linux
- Docker
- Run
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . -f Dockerfiles/Dockerfile_Ubuntu18 --output build
in the repo directory.
- Run
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . -f Dockerfiles/Dockerfile_Ubuntu20 --output build
in the repo directory.
- Run
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . -f Dockerfiles/Dockerfile_Ubuntu22 --output build
in the repo directory.
Binaries are located in ./build
- Linux only at the moment
- Compile with meson/ninja
- Run the miner (use some restarter in case it crashes)
- In case you are unsure, things should work exactly as in this Warthog node guide
Parameter | Description |
--help | Help screen. |
-V, --version | Print version and exit. |
-a, --address=WALLETADDRESS |
Specify wallet address to mine on. |
--gpus=STRING | Specify GPUs as comma separated list like "0,2,3". By default all GPUs are used. |
-t, --threads=INT | Number of CPU worker threads, use 0 for hardware concurrency. (default='0') |
-h, --host=STRING | Host (RPC-Node / Pool URL) (default='localhost') |
-p, --port=INT | Port (RPC-Node / Pool PORT) (default='3000') |
-u, --user=STRING | Enable stratum protocol and specify username ( default='') |
--password=STRING | Password (for Stratum) (default='') |
with restarter:
screen -dmS janusminer bash -c "while true; do ~/janusminer-ubuntu22 -a YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS -h YOU_NODE_IP -p YOUR_NODE_PORT; done"
without restarter:
screen -dmS janusminer ~/janusminer-ubuntu22 -a YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS -h YOU_NODE_IP -p YOUR_NODE_PORT
To use it you need to select “Custom” miner when you create Flight Sheet and paste the direct link on HiveOS build (e.g. janusminer_hiveos-0.0.1.tgz) from Releases into "Installation URL'".
- After installing and running the miner using the custom miner feature in mmpOS, the below file can be pulled into the miner directory to enable hashrate reporting in mmpOS for the Janusminer.
sudo wget -O sudo chmod +x