In development phase. There can be discrepencies in the content provided below.
Please refer learning branch.Development now going inmaster
Just for reference (not sure about their accuracy)
- Search whether any existing such software exists?
- What will our agent do?
- How will it work?
- What components will it target while working?
- How is it different from rest of the softwares?
- How is it secure & reliable, as compared to others?
- Advantages & limitations.
- Is there any stable software that can pass our call through any system reserved port rather than above 1024 ports.
- Server side (Mobile agent)
- Client side (script installed in system)
- payload - | Payload 1 (Shell Script/Code) | Playlod 2 (Data file)|
- takes payload 1 into consideration and then will execute accordingly.
Walkthrough of making a python script available anywhere:
Make a python script:
cd /home/el/bin
chmod +x
Find out where your python is:
which python
Put this code in there:
print "hi"
Run in it the same directory:
Go up a directory and it's not available:
cd ..
-bash: command not found
Not found! It's as we expect, add the file path of the python file to the $PATH
vi ~/.bashrc
Add the file:
export PATH=$PATH:/home/el/bin
Save it out, re apply the .bashrc, and retry
source ~/.bashrc
Try again:
cd /home/el
The trick is that the bash shell knows the language of the file via the shebang.
Implement these things for better understanding of the project.
- Chat server (single client & multiple clients/group chat).
- Data transfer (single client & multiple clients/multicasting).
- Code and Data - Transport both as payload (single client & multiple clients).
- Important - UDP Communicatios
- Sockets - Python 3.4
- Sockets - Python 2.7
- Sockets - Python Tips
- Python networking - tutorialspoint
- For running the client script
Note - client
will save the received file to files/file.txt
- For running the server script (it requires input file)
python temp.txt
Note - temp.txt
holds all the commands that needs to be executed on the clients.