This repository contains a library of Python classes for parsing LAMMPS density profiles and data files and specifically for post-processing of MD simulations of polymer brushes in equilibrium with solvent vapours.
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foo@bar:~$ git clone
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MDBrushAnalysis requires at least Python 3.6. Numpy and Pandas are required by all scripts. Additionally,
also depends on SciPy, and DropletAnalyser
depends on SciPy, Matplotlib, and OpenCV.
The dependencies can be installed in a virtualenv using Pipenv:
foo@bar:~$ pipenv install
foo@bar:~$ pipenv shell
(MDBrushAnalysis) foo@bar:~$
If you do not have Pipenv, you can install with pip install pipenv
defines a generic class for parsing data output by LAMMPS' ave/chunk fix. The method
provides a way to reshape the long format temporal frames to a new dimension. BrushDensityParser
is a subclass of the former, specifically for density profiles.
defines a class that can parse LAMMPS data files. Using the method get_positions_by_type()
particles of a certain type can be selected and their coordinates returned. get_density_profile()
N-dimensional density profiles by binning.
defines a class for the post-processing of density profiles output by MD simulations of polymer
brushes in equilibrium with solvent vapours. Density profiles of polymer and solvent are loaded using
(described above). Unequilibrated temporal frames are trimmed from the beginning before temporal
averaging and spatial interpolation. Temporally-averaged data is cached in files using pickle.
The class contains various methods for determining spatial limits of interest in the system and integrating density profiles to compute the amount and fraction of sorbed solvent.
defines a class for extracting contact angles from 2D density profiles (pixmaps) by fitting circles
to the droplets. BrushDensityParser
can be used to parse LAMMPS density profiles to pixmaps.
This project is free software licensed under the GPL. See LICENSE for details.