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Analyzing transcription factor (TF) binding sites using ChIP-exo data.


Stephan R. Starick*, Jonas Ibn-Salem*, Marcel Jurk*, CĂ©line Hernandez, Michael I. Love, Ho-Ryun Chung, Martin Vingron, Morgane Thomas-Chollier#, Sebastiaan H. Meijsing# ChIP-exo signal associated with DNA-binding motifs provide insights into the genomic binding of the glucocorticoid receptor and cooperating transcription factors., Genome Reserch. 2015 Jun;25(6):825-35. doi: 10.1101/gr.185157.114.

Would you be willing to reproduce figures appearing in the article, please have a look at ExoProfiler/data/ which describes where to download data and how to re-execute the pipeline.

Table of Content

  1. Requirements and Installation
  2. Pipeline presentation
  3. Example analysis
  4. License

Requirements and Installation

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To be installed in order to run the full pipeline:

  • Python (2.7.5), and packages: suds, numpy, HTSeq (>= 0.7.1), pysam, pyfasta.
  • R (at least 2.14), and packages: gdata, ape.

The ExoProfiler pipeline is composed of three different steps.

  1. MatrixScanWS
  2. 5PrimeCounter
  3. ExoPlotter


Tool developed in Python by Celine Hernandez.

Developed with:

  • Python (2.7.5).

Package dependencies:


Tool developed in Python by Jonas Ibn-Salem.

Developed with:

  • Python (2.7.3).

Package dependencies:

  • numpy, HTSeq (>= 0.7.1), pysam (HTSeq dependency)
  • (optional) pyfasta. If a reference genome is provided to calculate consensus sequences (see Use case 3), 5PrimeCounter also imports the 'pyfasta' package.


Tool developed in R by Jonas Ibn-Salem, with code from Mike Love, Morgane Thomas-Chollier, Samuel Collombet and Celine Hernandez.

Developed with:

  • R (2.14.1).

Package dependencies (available on CRAN):

  • gdata (NB: gtools will also be installed).
  • ape

Pipeline presentation

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The full pipeline is composed of three different steps.

  1. MatrixScanWS (Optional step)
    • Steps and RSAT tools involved (as web services)
    • Creation of a validation set by permuting the input matrix
  2. 5PrimeCounter
    • Use cases
    • Use case 1 : basic usage
    • Use case 2 : validation using permuted matrices
    • Use case 3 : QC and FASTA creation using an input genome
  • Additional information
  1. ExoPlotter

1. MatrixScanWS (Optional step)

MatrixScanWS takes advantage of RSAT web services in order to convert a BED file into FASTA sequences, which are then scanned using a given matrix (transfac format).

Steps and RSAT tools involved (as web services)

  1. Conversion of the input bed file (option -b or --bed_file) into a fasta file, using a reference genome (option -g or --genome). This step uses fetch_sequences.
  2. Scan the FASTA sequences for motifs, provided as a transfac matrix (option -m or --matrix_file). Only matches with a p-value below a threshold are reported (option -u or --uth_pval). This step uses matrix_scan.
  3. Matches are written in an output file (option -o or --output_file).

Creation of a validation set by permuting the input matrix

If the --perm (or -p) option is included in the command, additional steps will be performed. The input transfac matrix will be permuted 10 times using the tool convert_matrix. Those permuted matrices should not be too similar to the input transfac matrix. This is checked using the tool compare_matrices. They should not be duplicated either. This is checked again using 'compare_matrices'. The permuted matrices will then be used by matrix_scan to scan the FASTA sequences (computed in step 1/), using the same upper threshold for the p-value as in step 2/. Finally, permuted matrices and outputs from 'matrix_scan' are written in the same folder as the output file of the input transfac matrix.

2. 5PrimeCounter

5PrimeCounter analyses a BAM file from a ChIP-Exo experiment in the context of potential transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) presenting a given sequence motif of interest.

Consequently, as input files, 5PrimeCounter needs a BAM file (and its BAI index) and a set of sequence motifs as created by MatrixScanWS for instance, or any output file of RSAT's tool 'matrix_scan'.

Please note that in case of motif hits on both strands in the same location, only the one with highest score will be considered.

Use cases

Use case 1 : basic usage

Mandatory parameters :

Short name Long name Description
-bam <BAM_FILE> --bam_file <BAM_FILE> Bam file of the ChIP-exo experiment. Requires the index of the bam file with name <BAM_FILE>.bai in the same folder.
-i <INPUT_SITES> --input_sites <INPUT_SITES> Input is a file containing predicted Transcription Factor Binding Sites in RSAT matrix-scan output format.
-o <OUTPUT_PREFIX> --output_prefix <OUTPUT_PREFIX> All output file names will have that prefix. Can include a path.

Default window size around motifs is set to 60 bases. This parameter can be modified using the -s option.

Short name Long name Description
-s <SIZE> --size <SIZE> Window size around motif for which the profile will be computed.
-ob --output_bed Write a BED file with the binding site regions defined by --size and --order_by_score.
Use case 2 : validation using permuted matrices

Parameter to include :

Short name Long name Description
  --perm Compute profiles from matrix-scan results for permuted matrices. 5PrimeCounter searches for all files with the same name as the <INPUT_SITES> file, plus the tag '_perm' and a number. Files must be located in the same folder as <INPUT_SITES>.
Use case 3 : QC and FASTA creation using an input genome

Parameter to include :

Short name Long name Description
-g <GENOME_SEQ> --genome_seq <GENOME_SEQ> Reference genome sequence in FASTA format. If this optional argument is given, the consensus sequence of the motif is plotted at the bottom of profile and heatmap plots. Moreover sequences for all binding regions will be written to an integer-encoded matrix file. Note, if a fasta file is read for the first time, an index is built in the same directory for faster access. First execution can thus be slower.

Dependent parameter :

Short name Long name Description
-of --output_seq Write a genomic sequences in FASTA format for the binding site regions defined by --size and --order_by_score. Needs a genome in FASTA format to be provided using option --genome_seq.

Aditional information

List of other possible command line options.

  • Change order of output motifs
Short name Long name Description
    By default, output regions are sorted by occupancy level (number of total read counts).
-os --order_by_score Sort output regions by score instead of occupancy level.
  • Change number of output motifs
Short name Long name Description
-n <NUMBER_OF_SITES> --number_of_sites <NUMBER_OF_SITES> Number of sites to be considered. For a given N take only the top N sites by occupancy level (or motif score if -os is set).
-p <PERCENT_OF_SITES> --percent_of_sites <PERCENT_OF_SITES> Percent of sites to be considered. For a given P take only the top P percent sites by occupancy level (or motif score if -os is set).
-d <DOWN_SAMPLE_SITES> --down_sample_sites <DOWN_SAMPLE_SITES> Down sample input sites. For a given D sample D sites randomly.
  • Miscellaneous
Short name Long name Description
-h --help Show help message and exit.
-fs --flip_strand Flip the strand of motif matches from '+' to '-' and from '-' to '+' for all input sites.

A distance, manually computed, can be provided to shift sites by a given base pair number.

Short name Long name Description
-sd <SHIFT_DIST> --shift_dist <SHIFT_DIST> Shift sites by given distance (in bp) to the right (if positive) or to the left (if negative).

3. ExoPlotter

ExoPlotter generates a set of PDF plots using output files generated by 5PrimeCounter. This R script needs as input the prefix provided to 5PrimeCounter. Two other flags can be added to get additional plots, also written in PDF files.

A typical command line would be :

Rscript exoPlotter.R <OUTPUT_PREFIX> genome_seq perm

Where :

  • <OUTPUT_PREFIX> is the output prefix used in the 5PrimeCounter command line.
  • 'genome_seq' is a fixed label. If present, 5PrimeCounter was run with option --genome_seq, and corresponding output files can be found using <OUTPUT_PREFIX>.
  • 'perm' is a fixed label. If present, 5PrimeCounter was run with option --perm, and corresponding output files can be found using <OUTPUT_PREFIX>.

Example analysis

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To run this examples go to example directory.

cd example

All necessary input data can be found in example/data directory. The example analalyis consists of the following steps:

  1. MatrixScanWS (Optional step)
    • Input files
    • Use cases
    • Use case 1 : basic usage
    • Use case 2 : scan plus validation set generation
  2. 5PrimeCounter
    • Use cases
    • Use case 1 : basic usage
    • Use case 2 : validation using permuted matrices
    • Use case 3 : QC and FASTA creation using an input genome
    • Other examples
  3. ExoPlotter
    • Use cases (same as for 5PrimeCounter)
    • Use case 1 : basic usage
    • Use case 2 : validation using permuted matrices
    • Use case 3 : QC and FASTA creation using an input genome

MatrixScanWS (Optional step)

Using web services, scan a set of sequences for a motif provided as a matrix.

Input files

BED file : data/input.bed
Output of a ChIP-Seq experiment from a human sample, i.e. list of peaks.

Matrix (transfac) : data/
Matrix describing a motif as available in JASPAR database.

Use cases

Use case 1: basic usage
python ../python/ \
    --bed_file data/input.bed \
    --genome hg19 \
    --matrix_file data/ \
    --uth_pval 0.001 \
    --output_file output_matrix_scan_0-001.txt

Output file

  • RSAT 'matrix_scan' output : ./output_matrix_scan_0-001.txt
Use case 2: scan plus validation set generation

Same command with --perm option.

python ../python/ \
    --bed_file data/input.bed \
    --genome hg19 \
    --matrix_file data/ \
    --uth_pval 0.001 \
    --output_file output_matrix_scan_0-001.txt \

Output files

  • RSAT 'matrix_scan' output : ./output_matrix_scan_0-001.txt
  • 10 permuted versions of the input matrix, in the same folder as the output :,,, etc.
  • 10 'matrix_scan' outputs computed from these permuted versions of the input matrix, in the same folder as the output : output_matrix_scan_perm1.txt, output_matrix_scan_perm2.txt, output_matrix_scan_perm3.txt, etc.


5PrimeCounter performs a profile-based analysis by calculating a 5' coverage profile, given an BAM file from a ChIP-exo experiment (accompanied by its index in BAI) and a list of potential TF binding sites (TFBS) from motif matching analysis.

Use cases

Use case 1 : basic usage
Input files
  • BAM file : data/input.sorted.bam
    Sequence read alignment data in binary format.

  • BAI file : data/input.sorted.bam.bai
    Index of the BAM file, created with samtools index. This index must be located in the same folder as the BAM file.

  • RSAT 'matrix_scan' output : output_matrix_scan.txt
    Output from RSAT 'matrix_scan', or directly generated by MatrixScanWS.


Basic usage of 5PrimeCounter implies providing at least three parameters:

  • --input_sites for a matrix in matrix-scan format
  • --bam_file for a BAM file
  • --output_prefix to provide folder name and a prefix for output files. In following examples: './output_5PrimeCounter'.

Example of a simple command line :

python ../python/ \
    --input_sites output_matrix_scan_0-001.txt \
    --bam_file data/input.sorted.bam \
    --output_prefix output_5PrimeCounter

5PrimeCounter assumes that the 'input sites' file is an output from matrix_scan

Example of a case where the size of the window around the motif has been changed with option --size. Default window size is set to 60.

python ../python/ \
    --input_sites output_matrix_scan_0-001.txt \
    --bam_file data/input.sorted.bam \
    --output_prefix ./output_5PrimeCounter \
    --size 100

Example of generation of an additional BED output, in case we changed the size of our region of interest.

python ../python/ \
    --input_sites output_matrix_scan_0-001.txt \
    --bam_file data/input.sorted.bam \
    --output_prefix ./output_5PrimeCounter \
    --size 100 \
Output files
File name Content
<output_prefix>.consensus.txt Consensus motif.
<output_prefix> Up counts.
<output_prefix> Down counts.
Use case 2 : validation using permuted matrices

Following Use Case 2 of MatrixScanWS a set of permuted motifs can be generated. One can then run 5PrimeCounter on all the generated matrix-scan outputs.

python ../python/ \
    --input_sites output_matrix_scan_0-001.txt \
    --bam_file data/input.sorted.bam \
    --output_prefix ./output_5PrimeCounter_wperm \
  • Output files

Same files as for Use Case 1, times ten, for each permuted motif.

Use case 3 : QC and FASTA creation using an input genome

Genome files in FASTA format can be quite voluminous. Default behaviour of 5PrimeCounter doesn't need an input genome. But if provided, additional information can be computed, and another quality check plot can be drawn with ExoPlotter. Output file in FASTA can also be written.

Input files
  • BAM file : data/input.sorted.bam
    Sequence read alignment data in binary format.

  • BAI file : data/input.sorted.bam.bai
    Index of the BAM file, created with samtools index. This index must be located in the same folder as the BAM file.

  • RSAT 'matrix_scan' output : output_matrix_scan.txt
    Output from RSAT tool matrix_scan, or directly generated by MatrixScanWS.

  • Reference genome : data/chr1.sub.fa
    A FASTA file as downloaded from, for instance, UCSC's FTP site : Please note that files need to be decompressed into FASTA in order to be read by 5PrimeCounter.

python ../python/ \
    --input_sites output_matrix_scan_0-001.txt \
    --bam_file data/input.sorted.bam \
    --output_prefix ./output_5PrimeCounter_wgenome \
    --genome_seq data/chr1.sub.fa
Output files
File name Content
<output_prefix>.consensus.txt Consensus motif.
<output_prefix> Up counts.
<output_prefix> Down counts.
<output_prefix> Matrix of integer-encoded sequences which can be used by ExoPlotter in the next step of the pipeline.
Example of generation of an additional FASTA output.
python ../python/ \
    --input_sites output_matrix_scan_0-001.txt \
    --bam_file data/input.sorted.bam \
    --output_prefix  ./output_5PrimeCounter_wgenome \
    --genome_seq data/chr1.sub.fa \
    --size 100 \

Output files

File name Content
<output_prefix>.consensus.txt Consensus motif.
<output_prefix> Up counts.
<output_prefix> Down counts.
<output_prefix> Matrix of sequences.
<output_prefix>.fa Sequences of regions of interest (100 bp) in FASTA format.
Other examples

Example of ordering output by score instead of by coverage.

python ../python/ \
    --input_sites output_matrix_scan_0-001.txt \
    --bam_file data/input.sorted.bam \
    --output_prefix ./output_5PrimeCounter_orderscore \

Example of changing number of output sites.

python ../python/ \
    --input_sites output_matrix_scan_0-001.txt \
    --bam_file data/input.sorted.bam \
    --output_prefix ./output_5PrimeCounter_100sites \
    --number_of_sites 100
python ../python/ \
    --input_sites output_matrix_scan_0-001.txt \
    --bam_file data/input.sorted.bam \
    --output_prefix ./output_5PrimeCounter_20pcsites \
    --percent_of_sites 20


Plot the profile from an output of 5PrimeCounter.

Use cases (same as for 5PrimeCounter)

Use case 1 : basic usage

Prefix from 5PrimeCounter. This will be used to find output files from 5PrimeCounter, namely a consensus sequence, and up and down 5' counts.


Rscript ../R/exoPlotter.R output_5PrimeCounter

Output files

File name Content
<output_5PrimeCounter>.maxstrand_heatmap.pdf .
<output_5PrimeCounter>.profile.pdf .
<output_5PrimeCounter>.cluster.pdf .
Use case 2 : validation using permuted matrices

As for use case 1, prefix is the same as the one used for 5PrimeCounter. This will be used to find output files generated by 5PrimeCounter, namely a consensus sequence, and up and down 5' counts.
Profiles also contain a summary of the permuted profiles computed previously, as well as a Wilcoxon Rank sum test.


Rscript ../R/exoPlotter.R output_5PrimeCounter_wperm perm

Additional output files

Same files as for Use Case 1, plus:

File name Content
<output_5PrimeCounter>.profile-perm.pdf profile plot including permutated sites.
<output_5PrimeCounter> Contains the resulting p-value of the Wilcoxon rank sum test.
Use case 3 : QC and FASTA creation using an input genome
Input and command line

As for use case 1, prefix is the same as the one used for 5PrimeCounter. This will be used to find output files generated by 5PrimeCounter, namely a consensus sequence, and up and down 5' counts. If a label is provided saying that genome sequence was available, exoPlotter also displays a graph serving as quality check for the motif/regions alignment.


Rscript ../R/exoPlotter.R output_5PrimeCounter_wgenome genome_seq

Additional output files

Same files as for Use Case 1, plus:

File name Content
<output_5PrimeCounter>_seq.pdf Quality check.


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Licence : GNU GPL 3.0

Licences of packages used:

  • suds (?), numpy (BSD license), HTSeq (GNU GPL3), pysam (?), pyfasta (MIT).


Analyzing transcription factor (TF) binding sites using ChIP-exo data.







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