CoroutinePermissions is library that allows you to ask for android runtime permissions easily. API is very simple and can be called from any context (not only activity). Also library will take care of few problems:
- If you ask for permission A few times, dialog will be shown only once
- It allows you to control callbacks after configuration change (when permission dialog isn't dismissed)
- It allows you to ask for permission from ViewModels, or event static objects
You can use one of few predefined permissions, or just use string version.
Static version will implement SuspendPermission interface
interface SuspendPermissions {
suspend fun request(permission: String): Boolean
suspend fun requestLocation(): Boolean
suspend fun requestCamera(): Boolean
suspend fun requestExternalStorageRead(): Boolean
suspend fun requestExternalStorageWrite(): Boolean
Activity version implements SuspendPermissions and SuspendActivityPermissions interface
interface SuspendActivityPermissions: SuspendPermissions {
suspend fun getRequestResult(permission: String): PermissionRequestState
suspend fun getRequestLocation(): PermissionRequestState
suspend fun getRequestCamera(): PermissionRequestState
suspend fun getRequestExternalStorageRead(): PermissionRequestState
suspend fun getRequestExternalStorageWrite(): PermissionRequestState
- Get permission instance:
val permissions = CoroutinePermissions.getInstance()
- Now just execute one of request functions in coroutine scope:
launch {
val result:Boolean = permissions.requestExternalStorageRead()
That's it, result is a Boolean value which will tell you if your permission was granted.
On Activity context thing are getting complicated, because we have to handle configuration changes and activity recreation.
- Create activity permission instance
val permissions = CoroutinePermissions.createInstanceForActivity(activity)
2.Execute request function in onCreate, or other "starting" function
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
launch {
val result: Boolean = permissions.requestExternalStorageRead()
- After configuration change and activity recreation while permission dialog is still visible, calling the same function again (because onCreate will be called again) won't execute next permission request, but will connect to one which is already present.
- Execute request function after some event, for example click
launch {
val result = permissions.requestExternalStorageRead()
- Execute additional function, which will reassembly callback to permission dialog, after configuration change:
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
launch {
val result: PermissionRequestState = permissions.getRequestExternalStorageRead()
As you can see, it doesn't return Boolean, but PermissionRequestState, because it can be: Granted - user granted permission after configuration change with visible dialog Denied - user denied permission after configuration change with visible dialog No_Request_Pending - after configuration change there was no permission dialog to connect with
You can find examples for ActivityPermission and StaticPermission in app module on this repository. Anyway, if you can, just use Static version with ViewModels. It is way easier.
If you want to control logging, you can use functions in CoroutinePermission object:
object CoroutinePermissions {
fun disableLogging() {
fun enableLogging() {
Add it to your main build.gradle:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
and into module build.gradle:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.Coneys.CoroutinePermissions:coroutine-permission:{latest version}'
You should always use SuspendPermissions interface in your code, so you can always write test implementation. Also, you can add test artifact which will provide test implementation for you:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.Coneys.CoroutinePermissions:coroutine-permission-test:{latest version}'
There you can find class TestCoroutinePermission, which will return value from construtor for every permission call
runBlocking {
val locationRequest = TestCoroutinePermission(true).requestLocation()
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
Library was based on Android-Permissions from Nabin Bhandari, but to make it work with coroutines I had to make some changes, so I added his code to library directly.