GyroscopeMotion is library that allows to use simple and user-friendly DSL syntax to move your Android Views with Gyroscope. You can apply force multiplier, and configure barriers (maximum DP that view should be moved).
- Single configuration - you can configure shared barriers and force multiplier for any amount of views:
moveWithGyroscope(card2, card3) {
blockWhen {
applyForce {
horizontalMultiplier = 1f
verticalMultiplier = 0f
}.start(Context, LifecycleOwner,samplingPeriod:Int)
- Multi configuration - you can create many configurations for many views and start them all together (it is better idea then starting them separatyly)
val move1 =moveWithGyroscope(card2, card3) {
blockWhen {
applyForce {
horizontalMultiplier = 1f
verticalMultiplier = 0f
val move2 = moveWithGyroscope(card) {
blockWhen {
applyForce {
horizontalMultiplier = 0f
verticalMultiplier = 1f
startMovingWithGyroscope(Context, LifecycleOwner, move, move2)
- You always should merge yours connection to Gyroscope into one call (Multi configuration example).
- Gyroscope will be observe only between onResume - onPause of LifecycleOwner that you will provide
- When calling start or startMovingWithGyroscope you can provide samplingPeriod. Default = SENSOR_DELAY_GAME
Add it to your main build.gradle:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
and into module build.gradle:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.coneys:GyroscopeMotion:{latest version}'
You can specify range that your view can move with gyroscope. If you won't specify any barrier, it will move freely. Positive value will block right(X-axis)/bottom(Y-axis). Negative values will block left(X-axis)/top(Y-axis). This means, that in example number 1 views can be moved 22 DP to right, 30 DP to left, 8 DP to bottom and 2DP to top.
If you found error or you think that library could be upgraded in any fashion, please create right issue.